A soft hello

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Neji Hyuga was screwed.It was simply a fact he has come to accept.Never in a million years would he have thought he was going to have an arranged marriage to the loudest classmate he knew.During school he managed to avoid the stares he got from the Uzumaki kid,he knew what he had to do,but he wasn't sure if he could do it.

Neji had also stolen looks at the Uzumaki,analyzing his behavior,looks and other things he might find important,he was to be his husband after all .He was attractive,in an sinfully pure way,bright blonde hair with eyes that were worth drowning in.He had 3 dark marks on each side of his face,giving the appearance of whiskers,it made Neji want to know him more,he was perplexed how this arrangement would work.Would they love each other platonically,romantically ?Or would they end up hating each other?Neji sighed,as he felt the onset of a migraine,whatever happens happens I suppose.I just have to make this as comfortable as possible,for his sake and Narutos.

When he headed home he was surprised to find another car in the driveway ,what the hell else could happen this week.He opened the tall brown door,strategically decorated with gold adorning the sides.Making his way to the parlor he heard his uncle ,Minato,and a voice he thought he had avoided,a gruff quiet voice,"It's no problem Mr.Hiashi,I promise to do right by Neji."He froze in his spot,Naruto.Neji didn't know what to do,sure he was going to marry him,but Neji wasn't exactly the affectionate type.He had walls within this walls,a perfect facade that fooled anyone,truth be told he longed for affection,but that wasn't the way he was taught.Neji was in all sense of the words,proper and composed.Never would he let anyone see his soft side,if he still had one that is.

Neji quickly snapped out of his stupor,his fiancé was in the other room after all.He had to represent the Hyuga as an honorable and trustworthy alliance.With newfound resolve Neji stepped into the parlor and met his family and soon to be husband.Minato was the first one to notice his presence by giving him that same foxy grin,"Neji,it's good to see you again,I'de like to formally introduce my son Naruto ".

Narutos head snapped up,as if he was caught up in a sort of a dream like state.He was nervous to say the least,Neji was one of the smartest and scariest students in class,he intimidated the crap out of him.When his dad told him about the marriage his eyes fell out of his head,this was marriage,and he couldn't even refuse it.He tried to complain to his mom that he didn't want to do this but his mom merely chuckled and said "Naruto,in life we have to do things that are unpleasant,but I have a feeling you and Neji will get along just fine."She had such a reassuring smile he almost believed her.It's now or never right ?At worst he and Neji end up hating each other for who knows how long,till one of us ends up dead,or on the other hand they become good friends?Or maybe even lovers but that seemed way too much,Naruto didn't even know if he liked guys.

Honestly he never thought about it much,people's souls and intentions mattered to him more then anything.What was in between their legs he didn't really care about it.Naruto was still nervous don't get him wrong,but he's been told he makes everyone want to befriend him so he should just be himself.

All right then,he thought to himself.Naruto stumbled a bit trying to face Neji,his face looked stoic and calm,it was not helping his nerves but screw it.He mustered his cheeriest voice and signature back hand grin and spoke,"Hey Neji,it's great to finally meet to you,I promise I'll do right by you".Phew,that was harder than he thought,hopefully Neji would get the hint that he also wasn't a fan of this arrangement.

Neji just felt annoyed,he could see the way Naruto tried to sound enthusiastic.Tried to is the keyword here,the way he smiled felt fake as plastic,though by the looks of Minato and his uncle,that smile managed to convince many.He got the undertone though,Naruto didn't want this as much as Neji did.With his proper voice he spoke as well,"Thank you I appreciate it,I as well promise to treat you well".It was short and curt,just as he wanted it.

With that Neji was about to excuse himself when he noticed Minato and Hiashi look at each other expectedly before telling them to sit down.Naruto and Neji looked at each other tentatively,neither wanted to hear what they had to say.Minato started off first,the same cheery tone in his voice,"Now that both of you have formally met Hiashi and I think it's a great idea that you and Naruto both are arranged into a formal date,a way for both of you to get to know each other better,how do you feel about that guys".He looked positively glowing with eagerness.

I couldn't see my face,but if I could tell Narutos face mirrored mine exactly.We both wanted to do what's best for our families but none of us wanted this.

Naruto and Neji shared one thought -Oh fuck me.

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