Running from the truth

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I woke up scared and groggy. How did I get myself in this whole 'Martin mess'? What if he tries to talk to me? I'm sure not ready to talk to him, I thought.

The part of me said: you run like you saw a hungry tiger. As long as you're not ready, run. I actually listened to that part of me this time. And I will, I thought.


I made it through first, second, and third period watching my back. Even though he doesn't have class by me, you never know. Fourth period I rushed in the classroom with Trixi, and bolted to my seat.

I pretended to be busy in my notebook ,so he wouldn't approach me. Class was slow and boring the one day I wanted to run out of there.

When the bell rang, I went to sprint out of the door; but someone had me by the wrist. I spun around, not a bit shocked to see a pair if familiar endless milk chocolate eyes. Being the unfair football player he is, he dragged me out the door.

"Listen I know you like me-" Martin started. "No I don't" I said a bit too quickly. "There's no denying it Elizabeth. How you had a heart attack when my hand was on my arm. The whole who do you like business. And your whole nervous breakdowns when we worked in partners" Martin said. Someone did their homework.

Speechless with nothing to deny, turned to run. Since I lack common sense, it slipped my mind that I was trapped. He put his hands on my shoulders, keeping me down. "It's okay. But don't run from the truth" he murmured. "No it isn't. It wasn't supposed to happen like this" I whispered.

I couldn't look at his face. I was too scared of what was about to happen. "Just don't tell anyone. And don't reject me. I know you don't like me, I'll just leave you alone" I said lowly staring at the floor.

"You don't get it do you?" Martin asked me vaguely. This time I did look at his face. "What don't I get?" I asked curiously. "I like you too, Elizabeth" Martin said. My eyes widened.

Martin Hallmark liked me. I had so many questions what did he like about me? What were we going to do about this? Did he want to kiss me? How long has he liked me. I realized the big picture. The half cute, maybe semi sweet, dash of nice, guy could end of being mine.

Then I had one big question. Why did Martin Hallmark like me? Was this a joke?! It better not be some stupid humiliating middle school joke.

"Is this some sort of sick joke!?" I asked already becoming furious. "No of course not!" Martin exclaimed. All of a sudden, my anxiety toyed with me again. "Let's forget this whole thing ever happened"

I prepared to bolt, but Martin held me against the wall. "I'm not forgetting anything" he said lowly and stubbornly. I stared at him in horror at our position. (So what I'm half a prude!) "I have a class to go to" I whispered fearfully desperate to get out of his hold.

"Fine, but if I find you tomorrow morning we will talk" Martin commanded. I nodded my head quickly. He stepped aside, and I bolted away from him w

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