Second Chance

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          I walked into fourth period with Trixi and took a deep breath. I sat down and waited. I looked over at Trixi and she gave me an encouraging smile. No matter how much I hate it, I wasn't getting out of this second chance.

          Two minutes went by and the bell rang. Two minutes to talk to me and he didn't. Calm down. He has all day, you promised, I told myself. Class started, and I half concentrated. I was waiting for Martin to slip me a note or something. We were to work on a worksheet. We were allowed to talk. He was right by me, and he didn't say a word. This second chance thing is hard when he acts like I don't exist.

         How could he, he snapped at me. I was being nice and considerate. I glanced in his direction. Nothing. Whatever he'll talk to me this class period, he will. The class period passed by, nada. Why is he ignoring me? Yeah I told him off, but he deserved it. He snapped at me for no freaking reason.

         I fumed with anger, I practically had anger spilling out my nose. I flounced out of the classroom, leaving Trixi behind. Trixi caught up to me quick. She was about to say something, but then she saw my face. "He obviously didn't talk to you" Trixi observed. "I don't want to talk about it or him" I said furiously. Trixi shrugged and walked beside me.

         I tried to calm down all through the day, but I just wanted. I felt abandoned and resented. I know, big deal Martin doesn't want to talk about our relationship. But he's acting like I said, and I quote, "like an alien". Like he doesn't even understand that we need to talk now.

          I mean, he can't have a commitment phobia, can he? I grabbed my backpack and walked out if class, at the last bell of the day. Why does the guy I like have to be so complicated? I almost exited the school when someone grabbed my wrist. I spun around to confront this rude person, and I saw those endless milk chocolate eyes.

         I briefly got lost in his eyes, it's like a stress reliever. Then my dreamy expression turned into a glare, as I yanked my wrist out of his hand. I sped away walking, I have asthma I'm not wasting my breath on him. He jogged toward me and grabbed my shoulders.

          "We need to talk" he informed me. "Really?" I asked sarcastically. "I only said that yesterday, when you so rudely rejected that suggestion. So, why oh why, should I bother listening to you?" I asked him rudely. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth. But there is something you should know"  Martin told me. .  He dud not have good news, his eyes were screaming despair.

           "What?" I asked him softly. "I don't think I like you anymore" Martin said clearly. Before a tear could slip, he leaned over and kissed my lips. The best six seconds of my life. After the kiss was over, I glared at him again. "I thought you said you didn't like me" I said giving off a tone if confusion and fury.

         "It was a goodbye kiss" Martin explained. "A goodbye kiss? A good bye kiss? You wasted my first kiss on a goodbye kiss!?" I accused. I started to yell, but I stopped. "I hate you. You have to be the worst person in the world to do that. I hate everything about you. But I guess it's what you do. Lie to girls, lead them on, kiss them and you're gone. Do ever talk to me" I said calmly as cold salty tears ran down my cheeks.

         Martin's mouth opened to speak, but I ran away. I sprinted out of the school. People stopped, stared, and whispered, but I didn't care. I stopped at the buses. My asthma was really acting up. I dropped to my knees. I still couldn't breathe. I was still crying. A teacher came over to me. I choked out, "Have... asthma.... can't... breathe". She took out her cell phone.

      I noticed by her first few words she was calling 911. I sat with my arms bent in triangles around my head. Then, she hung up the phone and sat by me. She told me to take deep breaths. I obeyed until the ambulance came. As they pulled up, somebody grabbed my hand.


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