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Tick tock tick tock

Elfman grunted wearily the slow tick tocks of the clock working its way into Elfman's brain as he slowly began to acknowledge its existence. Groaning Elfman was in between sleep and wakefulness aware of movements around him but still not quite awake. Memories slowly began to recollect in his mind, he remembered such anger in himself, fighting Ezekiel in the streets and on mountain tops and finally Evergreen. Elfman gasped sitting bolt right up as he remembered Evergreen and everything about her, self loathing over ran all other thoughts as he remembered his tail about to plunge into her back not recognizing her in the least. Tears began streaming down his face saturating the bandages wrapped around his face. She said she loved me  Elfman thought his heart began aching as he missed her so much, her presence, her smell, her smile, and her eyes. He missed everything about her. With a grinding and a pop the door into the infirmary room opened Elfmans head whipped around hoping it would be Evergreen or Lisanna. Porlyusica with her long red cloak and celestial hair piece strode into the room holding some blue mysterious liquid her expression daunting to say the least. Elfmans face immediately turned back down towards the bed quickly mopping away his tears as he tried to control his emotions.

"Elfman Strauss you are lucky to be alive" Porlyusica said placing the glass beside the bed and sitting down on the empty seat. "And not just because of the forced soul" She continued noticing his depressed expression.

Elfmans head flung up at the comment staring at her wordlessly confusion fogging his mind.

"That's right I know all about that, your sister told me but the fact you were able to contain it is quite remarkable"

"So people keep telling me" Elfman muttered gloomily looking out the window.

"Hey don't you have that attitude with me the person that just saved your life" Porlyusica said whacking Elfman behind the head with her hand glareing daggers at him, but slowly her expression began to soften which surprised even her. He was lucky I was in Altay at the time Porlyusica thought looking at his forlorn expression.

"How long have I been asleep" Elfman questioned.

"Three days" 

Elfmans looked slowly back at Porlyusica and glanced down at his muscled stomach an already healed scar running down one of his abb lines.

"How did this heal in such a small amount of time" Elfman said looking into Porlyusica's eyes.

"Do you doubt my capabilities" Porlyusica said an eyebrow arched.

"No sorry" Elfman said his mind only revolving around Evergreen "What about the others what about Evergreen?"

"Ahhh finally we get to the source of your heart ache"

Elfman did a double take looking at Porlyusica imploringly.

"You don't think I know a man in love when I see one. Don't look at me like that it was as obvious as the moon in the sky, but no Evergreen and Lisanna are fine but I have forbidden them from entering this room not for their lack of trying." Porlyusica said her mind briefly hazing over both of the two's numerous attempts to enter this room.

"What why did you?" Elfman said angrily wanting more than anything to see Evergreen.

"I do not need two love sick puppies making me trip up all the time" Porlyusica said venomously remembering in the grand magic games how hard it was to get anything done with Elfman while Evergreen was constantly there.

Elfman looked down at his lap feeling tears bubble up in his eyes. I am in love with her Elfman thought thinking of how feeling how happy he was around her, how right it was holding her, and tasting her with his lips.  

A Faeries Soul (evergreen and elfman  #elfgreen)Where stories live. Discover now