Much needed warmth

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Long spider like fingers pushed the dirty white hair out of Calador's face, revealing the Manticore Talon guild mark of an upright paw with large claws protruding from it.

"Ahh so the beast soul, master spoke of has finally approached, finally gathered his courage has he?" Calador said mockingly. "And this delightful young woman, she will be fun to play with right boys?"

Evergreens stomach boiled and lurched at the sight of Calador's lecherous grin and the evil laughter echoing through mountains from the thugs behind him, repulsion and anger driving through her body.

"You disgusting little rat" Elfman growled taking an aggressive step towards the thin man. His right arm black bull takeover activating.

"Looks like things are about to get violent more quickly than anticipated tut 'tis a pity, boys please deal with the both of them" Calador drawled slowly stepping behind the large group of mages.

"Ever now" Elfman yelled and Evergreen couldn't be happier to oblige. She ripped of her glasses and immediately looked into the eye's of a mage who was loading a spell in his hand, with a muffled scream he was permanently turned into stone. The large trio gasped and took a step back when Calador yelled

" She has stone eyes, do not look her in the eyes !!"

"Full body take over: were tiger" Elfman yelled turning into a nine foot tall were tiger and leaping at the right hand side of the large group, scattering half the group across the rocky field swiping left and right with his large claws.

Tssh we are getting no where with this while the beast soul can see and sense us Calador thought looks like I'll have to step in he mused tiredly watching as the female mage blasted his comrade with fairy magic machine gun. Taking three quick steps forward so he was in the middle of the fray he muttered "Dark smother".

Evergreen gasped and turned around I cant see she thought desperately turning around right and left but everything was black. Noises were suddenly muffled as the loud cries and explosions of the battle were suddenly smothered in silence. Evergreen gasped when she heard the thin mans voice right in her ear "the beast soul is far away now", he muttered mockingly knowing that the beast would be confused with his new muffled senses. "It might be because I'm in a good confident mood but I think I'll have a little fun with you now". Evergreen yelled when she felt a cold clammy hand grab at her wrist pinning her up on a rock forcing her to drop her tightly clenched glasses. She tried squirming and struggling but the thin man was much stronger than he appeared. With an evil laugh the thin man started to rip of the top of her dress, panic was now exploding through her body she couldn't look him in the eyes to protect her self.

Forcing her slender fingers open Evergreen yelled "Fairy blast" hearing a scream muffled scream as the fairy blast scorched the top of Calador's shoulder, forcing him to drop her wrist. But her relief was short lived as Evergreen heard Calador's angry raspy voice 

"You are going to pay for that witch"

A sharp knife stabbed at her hand hard pinning it against the rock.

(Authors input: okay sorry if this is to violent for everybody but s@#* is gonna go down)

Evergreen screamed as she felt the sharp and intense pain of the knife and the invisible but hot blood pouring over her hand, and her scream turned to pure panic as she felt the thin mans hands returned to her ripped and bloody dress.


Elfman in his were tiger form, head whipped up at the sound of Evergreen's scream of his name, it was the only thing that sounded clear to him in his dulled state. Fright ran through his body when he heard the panic and fear in her voice. Every blow from the large enemy became dulled as he turned into his beast soul form his anger increasing the power coming off of him. 

"What is this" one of the thugs yelled the group hastily retreating, becoming scared of Elfman's sudden change into a larger more terrifying form. 

Elfman's head quickly turned left and right trying to hear Evergreen trying to catch her scent. Desperately he turned yelling her name in a gruff voice when he briefly caught the smell of something that can only be described as life. This scent Elfman had treasured when ever he smelt it and instantly recognized it as Evergreen's. With a desperate yell Elfman ran after the scent fear running through his veins. What had caused Ever to scream like that he thought. As he ran on her scent was growing stronger with each step until he picked up a scent that smelt dirty and wet like a snake. He ran faster than ever before and as he did he picked up in his sensitive sinuses, the smell of lust and malice in the man that owned the dirty sent and the smell of panic and fear coming from Evergreen . He ran and tripped up on large invisible rocks scattered on the rough and uneven ground but never stopped running, until he finally found her. With a large THWACK Elfman swatted the thin man away instantly clearing the senses of both Evergreen and Elfman as Calador lost focus of the spell and landed in a heap fifteen meters away from the the two mages.

With a growl Elfman turned around and what he saw made his heart break and pure rage cloud his mind. He saw Evergreen her dress nearly ripped to shreds, shallow cuts running across the exposed parts of her stomach. Her dignity and confidence shattered as she was clearly violated, and large tears dripping down her beautiful face.

"Ever" Elfman said taking a step towards her still in beast soul form when her heard a small laugh coming from the thin man.

"She is really exquisite" the thin man muttered mopping blood from his mouth.

With pure rage and hatred clouding his mind Elfman was on him in seconds crushing his badly burned shoulder in his hand he pulverized him, completely ignoring his cries to stop. Only wanting to hurt the man who hurt one of the most important people in his life.

But Elfman did stop when he felt a small hand being placed on his large monstrous arm. He stopped and looked. He felt his heart break into a million more pieces as he saw Evergreen with her cracked glasses on her face tears still running down her cheeks.


Elfman immediately dropped the nearly dead man and changed back into his own self.

"Ever" he muttered arm reaching out to her small tears of his own dripping down his face tracing down his old scar.

Evergreen said nothing just stumbled forward and placed her head and her hands in the middle of his chest. Elfman quickly scooped her up in his arms a cry escaping his lips as she quietly sobbed in his chest. With his heart bleeding for the crying woman in his arms and he ran like his life depended on it.

The thugs who were still frozen from Elfman's beat down on their leader were suddenly put to life again as they were about to chase the retreating wizards when Calador said.

"Leave it, let them recover, let them wait for when the master comes" Calador hoarsely cried convulsing in agony "you know they will stand no chance to the master". And with that Calador succumbed to sweet unconsciousness.  Elfman who had was still running to Altay heard none of this and who's heart, soul and mind was only on the broken woman in his arms.


Well that was intense it took me ages to write this chapter i hope you did enjoy the next few chapters will less intense well read and review hugs and cookies for you who do and ill see you next time THANK YOU FOR READING

love Fairychanger :*

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