Wake up call

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"Ahh" Elfman grunted blinking wearily into the window as pale morning sunlight filtered through the flapping curtains. Glancing tiredly at the clock on the wall Elfman grumpily thought 5:30 in the morning such an unmanly time to be up. Looking down at the small figure still wrapped around his chest sadness stabbed at his heart. Evergreens lovely face was still pressed firmly into the crook of Elfman's arm hiding half of it from view. One arm was wrapped tightly across his chest while the other injured one was placed palm up above his shoulder.

One of his hands still placed on her back was gently caressing her small back tenderly so not to wake her. Elfman stared up at the ceiling wondering how they got into this mess and how quickly this mission was turning into a horror show.

"mmmhm" Evergreen muttered in her sleep.

Elfman's caressing hand immediately froze in place as he looked worriedly at Evergreen with her profile face. It looked broken even in her peaceful state. His once moving hand drifted up to her face hesitating slightly he brushed his fingers over her face removing stray pieces of hair and tracing her features. His rough fingers grazed over her high cheek bones, her jaw line and eventually rested on her soft lips. She is so womanly Elfman thought while tracing her lips a sudden urge took hold of him, he wanted so badly to lean in and kiss her. Blushing fiercely Elfman leaned away banishing the thoughts from his mind angrily. I cant do this now not while we are like this Elfman thought looking sadly at Evergreen not while she is like this.

Looking at the clock once more it was now 6:00. Grateful that it was now late enough to get up Elfman looked once more at Evergreen and began untangling his body from hers. Sighing Elfman who was now outside the bed looked back at Evergreen her body still curled up where his used to be. Turning quickly Elfman suddenly left the room forcing himself to leave as all he wanted to do was have Evergreen up in his arms, and was scared he would fall pray to his wishes.

" Morning Elf-nii chan" Lisanna said while drinking coffee on the couch a small smile splayed on her lips. " did you have good sleep?"

Elfman shot her a suspicious look at Lisanna as he knew that she knew he had spent the night with Evergreen. Lisanna laughed and quickly grew serious.

"But no how is Evergreen doing, is...." Lisanna waved her hands not sure how to phrase her question, knowing Evergreen would still probably not be alright. 

"I'm not sure she didn't have any night terrors, and she slept soundly as far as I can tell" Elfman sighed rubbing his hand over his old scar. 

"Do you think we should quit the job" Lisanna question quietly looking at Elfman steadily.

"It is up to Evergreen I think" Elfman said looking up at the ceiling.

"What's up to me"

Lisanna and Elfman turned around to see Evergreen standing in the bedroom door adjusting her glasses on her face and her green kimono. She looked well rested but empty her eyes were as they lacked their life and energy that Elfman was so used to seeing.

"Ever" Elfman began quietly taking a pace forward "After what has happened yesterday..." Elfman paused not sure how to continue "It is up to you if we should continue with the mission".

"Out of the question, we have to finish the job" Evergreen said in a monotone voice. her eye's drifting off her thoughts clearly elsewhere.

Elfman took a step forward concernedly "Ever can I have a word with you"

She barely nodded and stepped out on to the balcony. Elfman turning to Lisanna said.

"Hay Lisanna can you-"

 "Don't worry" Lisanna said "I'll get breakfast ready and tell you details I found on the Lacrima mines over breakfast, go talk to her"

Nodding to Lisanna, Elfman quickly walked out side onto the cold balcony, closed the glass sliding door and stepped to the side where Evergreen was. It was bitterly cold up here. Mist was spreading its fingers through the city streets, reflecting the light of the steadily rising sun making a unique and beautiful sunrise. Glancing down at Evergreens slender arms he saw the prominent goose bumps on her skin and small shivers shaking her shoulders.

Evergreen dully noted Elfman sitting down next to her on the balcony her eyes trained on the sun rise before them. She barely noticed his large hand fall on her shoulder or hearing his words that its to cold out here for her to be wearing this. What Evergreen did notice was when Elfman placed his large hands on her  face gently cupping it between his hands turning her face to look at his.

"Ever we don't have to continue on this job if you don't want to"

Evergreen placed her hands on top of his and slowly removed her face. "You know we have to... we can't leave Altay like this"

"Yes but it's not manly for you to continue like this"

Anger twinged inside Evergreen producing her fan from thin air she hit him over the head."HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU I'M NOT A MAN" Evergreen yelled glaring at him while she blew hair out of her face.

Laughing Elfman pulled her into a warm hug and said " There is the real Evergreen"

"Stop hugging me" Evergreen said angrily a heavy blush darkening her face as she tried to push Elfman away.

"You're cold and it's unmanly to let a women get cold without assisting her" Elfman spoke into her ear.

"Finally you acknowledge I'm a woman"She muttered darkly trying to ignore the happiness bubbling in her from Elfman's protectiveness and warmth

"Are you feeling better now" Elfman said quietly in her ear leaning back to look at her face.

"Yeah I am" Evergreen said a smile despite her wishes spreading on her face. Without thinking (She really didn't think at this point) she pushed her fingers up through his sideburns and into his thick white hair. Placing her hand on the other side of his head she pulled his face down and pressed her forehead against his. Blushing at her impulsive action Evergreen looked slowly into Elfman's big blue eyes. Oh crap why did I just do that Evergreen thought, her heart beating at an extreme speed. They were both completely frozen in place, a red blush coating both of their faces. Just as she began to think of hurriedly remove her fingers Elfman's large arms hesitantly wrapped around her back holding her in place.

A loud blush darkened Elfman's face as their breaths mingled. He did not expect this sudden physical and emotional contact but then again he didn't expect it in the s-class tournament, the grand magic games and throughout this job.

"E-ever are you sure everything is alright"

"Yeah I'm sure" She muttered feeling relieved that he wasn't literally pushing her away. Thank god Bixlow is not here he would have a field day she thought. Sighing she pushed body away from his feeling his soft hair run through her finger's.

"Lisanna is coming" she murmured hearing foot steps rapidly approach the balcony.

Elfman nodded trying to cool down his face by facing the breeze with the thoughts act natural drifting through his head.

"Come on guys breakfast is ready" Lisanna smiled immediately noticing the blushes on both of their faces. It looks like Evergreen is feeling better She thought happily. But her mood rapidly grew serious as she thought of the information she needed to tell them.


Well there you have it the 9th chapter I hope you all liked it there was a lot of fluff i know sorry if it was OTT but the next few chapters is gonna get serious again this fanfiction is much longer than i expected it to be and by the looks of it it's gonna grow

hugs and cookies for those who review 

Love Fairychanger

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