I'm here for you

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"Ever!" Elfman gasped looking down as he ran through the streets of Altay. Elfman had not stopped running ever since he first ran from the large party from Manticore Talon. He had been running from the base of the great mountain range Oltayna and the strain was catching up to him. Elfman quickly dodged around slow clusters of people on the road ,ignoring their cry's and concerned stares at the damaged wizard in his arms.

Elfman had finally reached the mayor's mansion and was desperately tugging at he door. Great gusts of breath wheezing out of him when he finally burst through the door way and into the large hall of the mansion.

"LISANNA"  Elfman yelled leaning against the wall for support the bruises and burns from the battle caused him to kneel from exhaustion. He looked down at his companion still curled up in his arms her dress barely preserving her modesty.


"I'm coming Elf-nii chan" Lisanna said quickly running down the stairs I wonder what Elf-nii chan is so worked up about  Lisanna thought skipping a step on the stairs and jumping on the landing. As she raced around the corner Lisanna stopped dead in her tracks. 

"Oh my god what happened to you two" she exclaimed hands covering her mouth her eyes wide as she raced forward towards the battle damaged wizards.

"Manticore *gasp* Talon *gasp* ambushed us" Elfman wheezed leaning against the wall. "we need to get Evergreen medical attention"

"A-alright get her upstairs and I will help her, there is a medical pack upstairs in my room clean your wounds while I'll help her"

Elfman nodded and with a groan he picked Evergreen carefully up in his arms again made his way up stairs and gently placed her on the couch. She had long ago stopped crying and was know starring of into space.


She didn't even look at him she just kept staring of into space.

"Ever" Elfman said gently touching her jaw with his hand. She turned her head slowly and looked him in the eyes. It hurt him so much to see her eyes so vacant of life it crushed his heart all over again.

"Elf-nii chan go have a shower I'll take care of her" Lisanna kindly said placing a small hand on his shoulder. Elfman barely nodded keeping his eyes on Evergreen. And as he retreated into the bath room he never took his eyes of Evergreens which were still latched firmly onto his. Carefully closing the door he stripped out of his filthy now dark clothes and stepped into the high pressure shower. Rage seethed through him as he remembered the thin mans words and what he did to Evergreen. But as much as he wanted to vent his anger on that thin scum. (He was so low he didn't deserve to be called a man) he knew Evergreen needed support. After hastily scrubbing himself down he quickly stepped out of the shower and changed into a tight black shirt and track pants.

As he stepped out Lisanna rushed up to him with concerned written all over her face.

"what happened to her ?!"

Elfman sat down on the now vacant couch with a defeated voice told Lisanna everything that happened to him and to Ever. At the end of his tale he looked up and finally made eye contact with Lisanna hot tears were dripping down both of their faces.

"T-t-that scum.. t-that guild is just horrible we will get them Elfman for what they did" Lisanna cried forcing back sobs. They both turned their heads when they heard the grind of the kitchen seat against the ground as somebody sat in it. Lisanna quickly tilted her head in the kitchen direction a silent message telling him to go to her.

Meanwhile in the kitchen 

Evergreen cursed as she tried to wrap a bandage around her injured hand feeling the shock of her fight and awful experience drain away. Fighting back sobs she tried once again to wrap her hand in a bandage, her good hand was shacking and large tears were dripping off onto her newly changed white Kimono. She couldn't hear the familiar voice calling out her name but she looked up with a gasp as she saw a large tanned hand close around her own uninjured one.

A Faeries Soul (evergreen and elfman  #elfgreen)Where stories live. Discover now