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I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. Stretching my arms, I felt someone laying beside me.

"Stop.. it's so early." The sleepy voice mumbled shifting away from me and stealing the blankets that covered me.

I lay in there trying to gain courage to open my eyes and face the bright light that came from the open blinds. After a few seconds I finally get up slowly and trying to make as little noise as I could so that I wouldn't wake up the sleeping beauty that still tried to get more sleep.
I walked to the desk where I remembered leaving my phone the night before and unlocked it seeing a couple of texts from my friends but one stood out to me. My mom called and texted a couple of times.

"Hi honey! Just checking in since you haven't been home all day."

"I'm not trying to be the controlling mother but I am a little worried since you didn't come home all night."

"I just left for work, please just tell me if you're ok."

The three texts were accompanied with two calls and my heart clenched. It was the first time she did something like this. I used to spend full weeks in Cam's house and she never texted even once. It was something new but it felt good. Most teenagers would be happy with not getting texts from their parents when they spend time out of the house without warning but as someone who craved the love of a parent, I felt the opposite.

"Just spent the night at my friend's house. Everything is ok!"

After a quick reply, I redirect my gaze to the bed where Julie was finally waking up.

"What time is it?" She asks with a groggy voice muffled by the retainer that she uses at night.

"Almost ten." I reply and keep scrolling through my phone.

"Do you want to take a shower or something?" She inquires, getting an outfit together so that she could get ready for the day.

"No, it's ok. I don't even have fresh clothes." I shrug and turn my attention back to my phone.

Julie exits the room and walks to what I assume is the bathroom.
After yesterday's talk about helping the guys with their unfinished business, we went to the studio to talk to them but they weren't there. We decided to get back to her room and wait for them while we talked since her window had a perfect view of the garage but after hours of waiting, we ended up falling asleep without actually speaking to them about our plans.

𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐄; Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now