twenty four

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After our conversation, Luke and Alex disappeared to god knows where. If who they were meeting actually was Luke's unfinished business, shouldn't he at least say goodbye? We don't know exactly how this works.

"Do you really think that Alex's letter will do the job?" Julie asked me. We were both sprawled in her bed, trying to relax after the roller coaster of emotions we just went through.

"I don't know... I've been thinking." I start and seat up straight to be able to actually talk to her face to face. "There's got to be a reason why I also see Willie, right?"

"You think that Alex also has to do something for Willie?" She realizes intrigued.

"It's a possibility." I shrug. "Maybe they have to take Willie to the other side as well, I heard Alex say that he didn't crossover. Maybe that's what he has to do for him." I ramble, trying to come up with an explanation.

"I think you're onto something." She agreed. "Who do you think they went to visit?"

"I have no idea. Do you think Luke had a girlfriend when he died or something?" I ponder. "That would explain why he wouldn't say anything in front of me."

"It's a possibility..." she agreed. "It could also be a friend or something. We shouldn't assume and worry ourselves." She tried to calm me down.

"But I am worried." I sigh, falling back into the bed. "We are losing them, that's inevitable." I say and she nods understanding where I was going with this. "But could you live with yourself if they got stuck in limbo?" I inquire and she followed my previous actions, also falling back into the bed.

"And we also have to worry about Nick." She added and I nodded. We were fucked, basically.

We laid there, slightly cuddling into each other until we fell asleep without being able to talk with the boys that night.


I woke up to the loud noise of the alarm clock. I quickly stand up realizing that I fell asleep last night. I grab my phone and quickly send my mom a text saying that I was ok after noticing the dozens of texts that she sent.

"Julie." I whisper and she groggily opens her eyes. "I'm gonna go to get changed before school." I explain and she just mumbles some incoherent words before burying her head back into her pillow.

I get out of the house making as little of noise as possible. On my way to my car, I debate whether to go and talk with the boys or not. After pausing for a few seconds and deciding on not doing it, I finally get in my car and drive back to my house to quickly change into something better.

I get ready as quickly as possible and call my mom after noticing a note from her to call her. I explain to her that I fell asleep in one of my friends house and, finally, I'm off to school.
Today the day was tiring, I had a soccer meeting with my coach and captain right after school ends and volleyball practice after that.

"Hey!" I greet Cam and Ivy that were waiting for me outside the school gates.

We walk through the halls and unconsciously I was searching for Julie. We were both in this together so I guess I found comfort in her in this situation. However, I did not see her the whole day.
As I was exiting the school building with my hair wet from showering after practice, I notice Luke leaning against one of the walls. I look around noticing that none of my teammates were behind me as I was usually the last one to get out since I was the captain and stroll towards him.

"Are you insane? People can see you now!" I scold him pushing him towards a more secluded area.

"Sorry I just needed to see you as soon as possible." He scratches the back of his head nervously. "I'm pretty sure I figured out what I have to do to cross over." He blurts out.


AN So sorry for the lack of updates. I have been very stressed with college and today I had my last exam but it went so badly that I pretty much feel dead inside.
This is just a filler chapter to update while I work inverter and longer ones.

𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐄; Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now