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Dear Luke Patterson,

It's been a year since you're gone. It feels weird not being able to tell anyone about us, people would probably look at me like I'm crazy if I tried to explain our story. What we had was Rare, like the type of story people make movies about. It's our story. It might have been ephemeral but it was pure. So pure. We fell so quickly and so deeply that sometimes I actually catch myself doubting if it was actually real.

I'm writing this letter because I miss talking to you about my day and so much has happened since you crossed over. I don't know how else to contact you so I'm just hoping that wherever you are, you'll be able to read it.

I told Cam about you. He laughed at first, told me I needed to stop using weed and some other barbaric comments but he came around. It was nice finally opening up to him, being distant from him was the actual worst. I need him. He is my best friend.
Julie started dating Nick, obviously. And in a more shocking turn of events my mom and Julie's dad started dating. It's so gross seeing them together but I'm happy for her, she finally found a good guy.

And now more about me... I got accepted in my dream college. Yay! University of Wisconsin has the best volleyball program and I got an all payed scholarship. I'm living my dream. I wish you were here. We could be living our dreams together.
It's weird you know, I thought I would get really sad whenever I thought of you and of what we could have been but it's impossible to get sad when I think about all the happy moments with you.

I will never forget you. I will never forget us. You'll forever have a place in my heart. I might date, get married, have kids but just know that you'll always have a reserved place in my heart.

I always think about what we could have been if we had found each other in different situations and different times, but it wouldn't have been the same because what we had was so special and nothing can compare to it.
Maybe we will find our ways back to each other one day. Maybe in heaven, maybe in another life. Whatever happens after you die. I'll be waiting for you. Waiting for us to finish our story.

I love you. Always and Forever.


Lorelei Marie Hollies <3


AN It's the end bruh 😭😭
I had so much fun writing this book and I know there are a lot of spelling mistakes, some of them due to my stubborn phone corrector, some because I was just lazy and some because I was just too busy to double check for mistakes. If any of you are up for the task, I would be totally fine to let you check my chapters for bad punctuation and grammar and spelling mistakes lol I would definitely give you a shoutout in the book, no worries.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in my next book <3

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