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It was now Thursday, my most chaotic day of the week. I have school from 8am to 4pm plus practice which basically means that I'll be at school all the way until 6:30 pm.
I wake up and the first thing I do is check my mom's bedroom just to be disappointed when I notice her untouched bed.
I swallow the lump that formed in my throat, I wasn't one to cry and I should be used to this by now, but I wasn't.

After getting ready, I prop up my motorcycle and ride to school. Cam has 2 free periods in the morning so today I ride to school on my own.
I arrive quickly and greet the people that I encounter on my way to my first class.

I walk to the cafeteria to meet up with Cam and the rest of our group of friends once I'm done with my first period.

"Look who it is!" Zane, one of the guys from the group of people I usually hang out with, gasps as if he is super shocked. "Beautiful as always." He adds

"Stop it, you're making me blush." I playfully hit him and bend down to kiss Cam on the cheek. Ivy gives me a weird look but I just shrug it off.

"Is everything ok? You went kind of MIA yesterday." Beatrice or Bea for short, my closest friend after Cam, whispers so that only I could listen to it, worry noticeable in her face.

"Just had a stressful day, don't worry about it." I reassure her and lean against her shoulder while listening to the conversations that was happening between the group.

I spent the whole day trying not to think about the freak show that I had to face once I came across Julie or one of the boys, ghosts... ghost-boys again.

I closed my locker after changing into my training outfit and head to the gym where no one was yet to be found. I started training early because that was my intention to begin with.

"Ah" I scream once I notice Luke watching me from the corner of the gym, the ball that I was about to serve drops on my face and I press my hand to my forehead where the ball landed.

"I didn't mean to startle you. I'm so sorry." He scurries to my side.

"Please stop appearing out of nowhere. It's not healthy for my heart." I reply adjusting my ponytail that had gotten slightly loose.

"Can't promise that." He chuckles. "You play volleyball?" He questions. I give him a playful look.

"I think that is kind of obvious." I giggle gesturing to my jersey and the ball in my hands. "I'm actually the team captain." I state proudly.

𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐄; Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now