The Kid I Found in the Forest (Sbi-Tommy)

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Summery: Philza finds a child and takes him home. Techno isn't happy.

Setting: this wishie washie medieval and modern era.

Phil wandered aimlessly around the forest, picking up oak wood along the way. He didn't have a destination in mind and he knew Techno would be safe at home, he always was.

Phil needed this walk. Taking care of Techno and his problems is hard. He was abandoned when he was 6 and now 8 years later the kid has anxiety and abandonment problems. He had to promise profusely that he would be back and he was just taking a stroll.

Lost in thought Philza walked down an all too familiar path. He went down this path before and thought he herd a child, but when he tried to find them he couldn't.  He had given up only to be back on the search for them two days later.

Hearing rustling inthe leaves Phil turned in the direction of the sound. Steadily walking towards it.

"Hi? Anyone there?" Phil asked quietly. No one responded but the rustling of some bushes a few phases away. He walked over to the sound again and this time pushed the branches aside.

What he saw was a boy no older then Techno, with wildly puffy brown hair, staring wide eyed up at him and shaking. "Hey, hey, it's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. Are you hurt? Do you need medical treatment?"

The boy only sunk lower in the bush, trying to get as small as possible.

With a sigh Philza stepped back to get rid of anything seen as threatening. Then looked at the boy who stared wide-eyed at Phil.

"See? I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe with me."

Slowly but surely Phil walked back over to the bush, reaching out a hand to the small boy.

The small brunet studied his hand for a moment then looked up at Philza. Like he was having a battle with himself.

Finally, with shaking hands, he took his hand and was helped up. Phil's wings flapping a little.

This caused the boy to step back and almost trip before Phil caught him. Trying to calm him down Phil pulled him into an hug.

The young boy stiffened up but after a minute, he loosened up and returned the embrace. Smiling, Phil flew up into the air slowly to not alarm the boy.

When they where 4 feet in the air the brunet noticed and tightened his grip onto Philza's jacket. Philza didn't mind as he noticed the boy was shaking.

Wanting to not get noticed and to get back to Techno, Phil flew home as fast as humanly possible without scaring the small orphan in his arms.

Once they arrived Phil landed and quickly opened the door. He set the now sleeping child on the couch and draped a blanket over him. Techno walked over to see what Phil was doing.

"Orphan? Is that an orphan I see?" Techno asked unshielding a hidden knife out of nowhere. "Blood sacrifice I see?" Techno tilted his head slightly looking at Phil who shook his head.

"Aaw" Techno put away the knife looking sad. Phill rolled his eyes and sat besides the sleeping figure. Techno getting bored walked back to his room.

It would be a few hours until the young brunet woke up again to Phil making dinner and Techno watching adamantly by his side.

The unfamiliarity of the place made him want to shrivel up and die, but instead of dieing he pressed his back up against the couch and shuck uncontrollably.

It didn't take long for Techno to Sense the movement in the corner of his eye and he looked over to see the boy Phil rescued shaking while breathing ragged breaths on the couch.

Looking back at his 'father' he left for the couch. Sitting next to the boy he wrapped his arms around the small figure.

Then taking a few deep breaths he mumbled "it's alright. Hey, hey, it's ok. No one is going to hurt you. You're safe. Me and Philza will make sure of that." Snagging a quick peak at Phil he continued his small pep talk.

Some time went by as the boy calmed down enough for Techno to separate from the one sided hug. The boy had other plans as he scooted closer to Techno, fear in his eyes. Fear of being abandoned.

Laughing to himself he said "you don' even know my name and you're tryin to get up 'nd personal with me." Even so Techno returned the embrace. Not wanting to upset the boy who only just got comfortable enough around him.

"Techno! Dinners done." Philza cut the silence from the kitchen.

Mumbling a slight "c'mon" Techno got up and joined Philza at the table. The kid quietly taking a seat after him.

"So what's your name?" Phil asked looking at the boy.

A scratchy and almost unadible noise came out of the boy's mouth: "Wilbur."

"Wilbur? The name's Techno. Technoblade." Techno introduced.

"Mine is Philza, or Phil." Philza quietly said to witch Wilbur nodded and ate. Pasta was on the menu and that's what Phil went for.

After Wilbur finished and stumbled to put his plate away, he went over to the couch and right then and there claimed it as his sleeping aria.

Though for now he just sat on it waiting for Phil and Techno to finish eating. He didn't know what to do. He wasn't going to just pick something up and start playing with it, that would be rude.

No later then 10 seconds he spotted a guitar next to the tv and quietly crawled to it. The thing caught his interest, what can I say?

Examining the instrument with wonder and aw and he went to pluck one of the strings. It made an odd sound to him.

Fascinated by the weird sound he strummed the strings near the bace. Again it created a noice Wilbur never heard of before.

The noise, tho quiet, reached the ears of the squirmy pig and he got up to go check out what this 'intruder' was doing.

When he arrived in the living room he was met with an amusing scene. Wilbur was scooting away from the guitar clearly embarrassed.

Techno snickered and went back to eat. Phil asking "why'd you leave?"

"The kid was playin with that old guitar of yours."

"Oh well if he wants he could keep it. I don't use it anymore anyways." Philza said lazily looking to the direction of the living room.

"Well don't tell me tell him," and he gestured towards Wilbur.

After the two finished and sat went into the living room where Wilbur sat eyeing the instrument across the room. Phil said, "if you want I could teach you how to play." To which Wilbur jumped.

He also noticeably flinched when Philza walked over. "But not right now." Phil looked out the window as he said this, "we've got to go into town to get you some cloths and stuff for your room."

He pulled out his hand for the brunet to take. However hesitantly he did so and was helped to his feet.

Looking towards Techno he asked "do you want to come or stay home?"

"Depends, are you flying or walking there?"

"Flying." The eldest said.

"Then I'm stayin home."

"Alright, fair enough. Common then Wilbur I wouldn't want to be stalling any longer then we already have."

Times Wilbur was spelt wrong: 5

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