Pain and Wings (SBI)

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Summery: Philza Shares a story of how he got his wings. He then goes on to daydream about when Wilbur got his and Techno became a pig hybrid.
Setting: The SBI household

Tw: slight blood and gore.

"Phil, how did you end up getting wings?" Tommy questioned his father figure.

The one in question sat up from where he was sitting on the couch, a little dazed, a tad bit surprised.

"Well I got them while you where young, 14 or 15 if I remember correctly."

Tommy nodded, "that sounds about right."

Wilbur and Technoblade scooted closer to the two, exited to hear Phil's side of the story after so many years left in the dark.

Wilbur's wings flutters as Philza starts his story.

"At first it started with my back hurting, two large rashes appeared while you three where gone..."


I sit at my desk sketching out an outline for my new project.

My three sons, 2 adopted and one biological, where out of town for the week. The house was very quiet without the chaos they normally brought.

I was starting on the roof when my back started to burn.

At first I tried to brush it off, not pay attention to it.

But the burning got worse the longer I ignored it. I couldn't take it. I threw my shirt to the ground and ran to the bathroom, bumping into walls as I slid down the hall.

I looked into the mirror to see two large rashes on my upper back. Twisting to get a better look, I notice that the rashes where bumpy.

The whole situation was bizarre, yea. I applied some cream on it and thought that was that.

I sat back down and continued to draw.

Fast forward to dinner and I had a weird craving to eat some seeds, so a pulled out some sunflower seeds from the cabinet and started munching on them.

Within the hour the bag was emptied. I went to make some real food only to find I didn't have much of an apatite for it.

So I did what any logical human being did: I trashed the empty bag and watched some telly till I felt sleepy.

In the morning I felt all sour, my shoulders and back was killing me. So like before I went to the bathroom to check it out.

The rash only got bigger. I called the doctor, they couldn't get me in till the next day. So I made that appointment, annoyed I couldn't get in sooner.

I played the waiting game, whenever I could I took painkillers and just relaxed.

I didn't use my back much during that whole week, even after I got my wings.

Two days go bye, and I was in the worse pain yet. I dragged my butt to a mirror.

By this point the rashes stopped growing, they where down to my lower back and shoulders.

But that wasn't the most concerning part, I was bleeding, it wasn't much blood, mind you.

Two soft black things was poking out of my back. I nearly screamed when I felt them and did when I saw them.

I stumbled backwards, they where moving. Wanting to be free. I watched as they broke apart the skin and slid out.

I felt faint as I made my way back to my room. My brain wanted to rip them off while my body wanted to throw up and pass out.

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