Witches and Wizards, (Tom, Wil, Tubbo)

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Note: In this universe wizards and witches aren't defined by gender but by the type of magic they use.

Tommy stares out the window. His stubby fingers clinging to the window frame where silhouettes of children and their parents dance across a station. Bags of luggage seemingly floating behind parents as they give their goodbyes.

Tommy watches as soon to be witches and wizards of all kinds file onto a big train colored in blues and purples.

The clouds the carts sit on darken to grey as yellow light shoot out: the train is leaving soon.

Tommy watches a kid grabs his mother's pant leg before falling in line with the rest of the children. Rolling behind him, his luggage which had long set to the ground.

"Tommy get your short ass over here!"

"I'm not short you bitch!" Tommy shouts back. Running into the kitchen where his brown haired brother stood at the stove.

"Set the table."

"Fuck you Wil-bitch." Tommy grumbles. He pushes bottles of colourful liquids to the side half hazardly to the side in place for forks and napkins.

A moment not too soon plates of meat and mashed potato clatter across the table. Cups full of milk fallows soon after.

The two sit at the small table and eat. "When will I be able to go to school?" Tommy asks as he stuffs his face with food.

Wilbur sighs putting his fork down and looks at Tommy. "Tommy we've already had this conversation countless times before."

"Oh I know but I'm board. Even Tubbo goes to school." Tommy crosses his arms and angrily chews.

"We don't have enough money for your education."

"Just get-"

"Drop it."

"Fine." Tommy pushes his plate and stomps out of the room.

"Tommy wait." Wilbur shouts after the blond. Getting up himself and running after him. "Tommy I'm sorry."

Tommy slipped on his shoes. "I'm taking a walk." He states bluntly.

Tommy shuts the front door with a loud clang. Not bothering to look back at the man he's known all his life. The small house goes through a round of wobbles  by the time Tommy is across the street.

Tommy does, in fact go for a walk. He walks to a friend of his' house. Unlike his small shack-of-a-house this house was grand and beautiful. Though it wasn't without its flaws.

Flowers and weeds cling to the thin walls. The grass was so high it dwarfs even Wilbur.

Tommy travels through the maze of weeds and grass until he finds the front door. A second later it opens to the grumpy brown haired face of Tommy's best friend.

"Tubbo my friend!" Tommy greats with a loud obnoxious voice, "how's it going?"

"Why are you here Tommy?" Tubbo asks.

"What? Aren't you excited to see your best man?"

"It's 2 in the morning."

Tommy looks at the dirt under his toes. "Yea, I know."

Tubbo sighs and opens the door wider with a creak, "come in."

Tommy happily obliges. Kicking his feet off to the side and watches wondrously as they fly to the shoe rack to the side.

"Did you and Wilbur get in a fight again?"

"Yea, we did." The two step onto a platform which takes them up to the second floor.

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