Look Over the Hill (Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Purpled)

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Tommy sat on a hill away from the rest of the group.

Tommy and some of his friends had decided to have a piknick since it was Spring.

Techno was quietly reading to himself, Ghostbur and Philza were having a 'quiet conversation', and Fundy, Ranboo, Dream, George,  Sapnap, and BBH were playing tag. Everyone else was ether eating or haven't arrived yet.

Tommy would join them, but the view of the setting sun caught his attention.

As he sat fixated on the setting sun a pair of footsteps crunched the dry grass.

He looked up and scooted over to make room for Tubbo on the hill.

Tubbo smiled at the younger child, "the server has changed a lot since the beginning, hasn't it."

"Yea, as do all servers." Tommy responded, nodding back to the sunset.

The hill overlooked a creator. It was rather big and messy. And was in the way of once was there home, but since Tommy's exile he learned to not care as much about the little things.

He learned that when things go, when things change and twist into something else, to let it go. To let it stop bothering you so much that you let grief be what people saw you as.

More hurried footsteps came running to the two and Tubbo turned to face them.

"Oh hey Ranboo, how you doing?" Tubbo called.

"Oh nothing much, what are you guys doing by the hillside?" He commented.

"Just admiring the view, that's all." Tommy exclaimed.

"It's pretty isn't it," Ranboo commented siting next to Tubbo.

The two nodded and the three admired the sunset.

At one point Purpled joined the trio, not saying anything but a small greeting before sitting next to Tommy.

The sun gradually set over the creator and the four watched it.

Laughter and screams from the man children behind them was nothing but white noise in the cool windy sky.

Acceptance, courage, empathy, and justice sat on the hill, away from chaos that stretched carelessly behind them.

They would join it later, allowing the chaos to be at its fullest, but now they don't need to.

Acceptance, when you accept something or someone, or welcome it with open arms.

Courage, when you have the will to do something you normally wouldn't.

Empathy, when you can understand and share the same feelings as someone.

Justice, the want to make things right and make those who wronged you pay.

It's a very quick chapter I know, but that's not the main focus for this chapter. I want to say thank you to those who constantly decide to fill my inbox with votes and bookmarks. Thanks liking my writing! :)

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