Chapter 7

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Candles flickered on the small round table. Two glasses of champagne had been poured even though he knew he would be the only one to drink it. Several dishes sat on the table covered in plastic wrap. Shownu glanced at his phone. It was 8:45 already. He had expected Leann by 8:15 at least. He shifted nervously in his seat. He was taking a big step, but he felt ready. He just wished she would get there so he could get this all of his chest.

Just then, he heard Leann keying in the door code. She opened the door quickly and rushed into the room, trailing a scent of strawberries and vanilla behind her. "I'm so sorry I'm late. The bus broke down just a few blocks away. So, I got off and just ran the rest of the way."

"Why didn't you take a cab? I've told you a thousand times to stop taking the bus."

"I like the bus," reasoned Leann. "It's full of humanity."

"Yeah, you keep saying that. I guess I'm not as interested in seeing humanity on a daily basis as you are."

"Well, it's an acquired taste," laughed Leann. She sat down and scanned the table. He had really gone to a lot of trouble to make everything look perfect.

"Thank you for the food," they said in unison before stripping the plastic off the dishes and digging in. Leann took a spoonful of rice and carefully laid a piece of kimchi on it along with some rolled omelet. Shownu watched her with interest. She certainly fit right in here. He wondered how he would fit in her world. She rarely talked about home. So, he wasn't sure what it would be like. From the little he could gather, she had not been happy there.

Later, after Shownu took a final bite of chocolate cake, he pushed his plate away. "I'm going to pay for that in training tomorrow," he laughed ruefully. He fumbled with something in his pocket and slowly pulled out a small box. Leann's eyes registered surprise.

"No, it's not what you think. They are just couple's rings, not engagement rings," explained Shownu. He opened the box to reveal two simple silver rings. Leann giggled as he slipped the smaller one onto her finger. Suddenly, her phone rang. She flipped it over and glanced at it quickly before putting it face-down on the table again.

"Do you need to take that?" asked Shownu. "It's fine if you do."

"No, it's fine. I don't want to break the mood. This is nice. I want to savor it," she said as her phone rang again.

"Somebody must really want to get ahold of you," Shownu observed.

"Yeah, it's my aunt. I'll call her later."

The phone stopped ringing only to begin again seconds later. "Maybe you'd better take it," said Shownu.

Leann picked up the phone and walked back the hallway. She hadn't actually entered any of the rooms, so her side of the conversation was still quite audible. Shownu, however, had trouble making out the English words. Leann seemed to be speaking quite differently than she usually did. He couldn't understand much of the vocabulary and the cadence of her voice was not like anything he had heard from her before.

"... damn it! Well, who gave her the hooch?"

"... it damn-well does matter 'cause I'm not cleanin' up her messes anymore!" Leann's voice rose in intensity and pitch. "I've prit' near had 'nough of y'ins! She made her bed, now let 'er lie in it!"

"... and why should I? What'd she ever do for me?"

"... no, don't you dare try to make me feel bad about this!"

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