Chapter 10 { Finale }

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Leann's long legs hung over the edge of the couch. She rolled onto her side but found no relief for her discomfort. I gotta tell Shownu and the boys to buy a new couch, she inwardly grumbled. The trip back to Korea had taken an entire day, counting the flights and layovers. She should have gone home first. After all, Shownu had no idea she was coming. She could have surprised him just as well tomorrow as she was attempting to do today, but she had been too excited to put it off. Now, she was regretting it slightly as she found she could not rest on this blasted couch.

She was glad the boys hadn't changed the door code, or she would have been forced to go home first. It was nearing 9:00. She had no idea when the guys would finish their rehearsal for the day. She had just hoped to get a short nap before they got home. Sometimes they don't get in until almost 11:00, she thought.

As she trudged to the bathroom, she passed the boys' open bedroom door. She saw Shownu's bunk neatly arranged with a blue plaid comforter and a fluffy pillow. After using the bathroom, Leann peeked into the bedroom again. Her eyes hung heavy with exhaustion. I'm sure I could catch a nap and be up again before the boys get back, she reasoned. She giggled slightly as the Goldilocks imagery was not lost on her.

She entered the room and climbed carefully up to the top bunk and slipped under the blissfully warm comforter. It smelled like Shownu which was enough to lull her into a state of deep peace. Her breathing slowed and soon she was fast asleep.

About an hour later, Shownu and the boys arrived at the apartment. They didn't notice Leann's bags, which she had stashed neatly in a corner of the living room. Their main focus was getting showers and getting to bed. Shownu was the first to get his shower. He didn't linger as all the boys wanted to get cleaned up before bed. Tonight's rehearsal had been a particularly rigorous one and none of them wanted to lie in their clean sheets in their sweaty condition. He finished his shower and dried quickly. He left the bathroom and called out, "Next!" before slipping into the bedroom.

Leann had heard none of the commotion of the boys coming in. The exhaustion of the trip had left her totally spent. Shownu dried his hair with the towel one last time and began climbing up the small ladder to the top bunk. His hand reached the bed and he let out a small cry of alarm as he touched what had to be a leg. He tugged at the comforter slightly to reveal Leann's face, her features restful and quiet.

"Leann," he whispered, but she did not move. Slowly, he was able to snuggle in beside her. Unconsciously, she nestled into his chest without waking. Shownu lay silently in the darkness, listening to Leann's steady breathing. He had no idea she was coming home. In fact, he had been unable to reach her for two weeks and had become a bit concerned as he hadn't even received a text during that time. The other band members had tried to assure him of Leann's affections, but he had still been worried when such a long period of silence had happened. But now, she was here --- concretely and miraculously here, and he had no intention of letting her go again.

He still wore her ring on his pinkie finger. He had not taken it off since she had left six months before. He hoped the trip had done her good and that she had come to peace with her difficult past. Honestly, he had received few updates during her time there and they had not been able to really process her feelings about being home. The only thing he had noted was that her voice had always sounded tired on those rare occasions when she had found to time to go to the old schoolhouse and get enough reception to make a call. He was curious as to what had transpired on her trip, but he could not wake her. He looked down at her face, which was barely visible in the dark room, but he could make out that her full lips were slightly open. He wished he could kiss them, but he reminded himself that she was beyond tired and needed her rest.

Changkyun finished his shower and crept quietly into the room. Despite his efforts to remain quiet, he tripped on the lamp cord, nearly knocking the lamp to the ground. In one quick movement, he grabbed the lamp before it could crash to the floor. In all the action, however, he had bumped the bedside table and a CD had fallen to the floor with a soft clatter. Leann did not awaken, but she rolled over slightly and wrapped her right leg around Shownu's body.

Shownu inhaled sharply but made no sound. He really didn't need the other boys discovering that Leann was in his bed. He tried to focus on breathing calmly but he found her body pressing against his to be quite distracting. It was at that moment, that he realized he would not be getting any sleep. But it was OK because he was content to lie awake and feel her nearness.

She would occasionally move slightly and snuggle closer to him, as if, even in sleep, she was aware of his presence. As Shownu watched her sleep, he thought of so many things. He wondered if she would be ready to take her ring back. He thought of whether they would one day get married. He imagined what their children might look like. He hoped they would have Leann's pert little nose and his high cheekbones. Undoubtedly, their kids would be exceptional. He thought about his mother and how she had only met Leann once. He knew she had some reservations about him marrying a "foreigner," but she had admitted to being impressed by Leann's quiet, respectful manner. He thought about Leann's mother, whom he had never met. He wondered if she would condone her daughter marrying a "foreigner" as well. He even pondered if Leann would care what her family thought of her choices. It was a long night of thinking, but Leann's steady breathing kept Shownu in a realm of peaceful reflection instead of one of anxiety and worry.

As the sun began to send its first tentative beams through the window, Shownu felt Leann move slightly. She opened one eye and saw that she was pressed tightly against Shownu's broad chest, covered only by a thin, gray T-shirt. She could feel his firm pecs against her cheek. She peeked up at him to find him wide awake and watching her with interest.

"Wakie, wakie," he said softly into her hair. "I got quite a surprise last night," he commented softly. "Who would have thought that I would find a woman in my bed?"

Leann blushed slightly. "Sorry about that. I intended to wake up before you guys got in. I had just thought I would take a little nap and be up in like an hour. I guess I must have really zonked out," she laughed quietly. Shownu glanced around the room and found all his bandmates sleeping peacefully, much to his relief.

"Did you get any sleep?" asked Leann.

"Not a wink," said Shownu as he stroked her soft hair.

"I'm so sorry," replied Leann with sincere repentance.

"Don't be," said Shownu. "It was the best night of my life."

"Then you must not have had a very eventful life if watching me sleep counts as the best night of your life," she replied as she moved to sit up.

"Not yet. Just give me a few moments more," said Shownu, holding her tighter against him. He pulled her ring off his pinkie and reached for her hand. "Will you take this ring back now?" he asked, holding his breath as he waited for her answer.

"I would be honored," she whispered as she felt him slide it onto her finger. She tilted her face up and soon found Shownu's soft lips caressing her own. He put his hand behind her neck and caressed her right earlobe as he deepened his kiss. He trailed kisses down her neck and sucked gently on the earlobe he had been previously admiring. Their breath came in short pants as Leann sat up to look Shownu in the eye. He saw that her pupils were dilated, and her cheeks were pink.

"We have to slow down," said Shownu reluctantly. "The boys are all here," he added.

"Dang it!" said Leann playfully. "Why can't they find somewhere else to be?" she joked.

"Well, you were the one who invaded our bedroom," Shownu pointed out.

"Touché," said Leann as she rested her head on his shoulder, a shoulder she hoped to lean on forever.

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