Chapter 4

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"This is freaking weird to sing one of our own songs on Karaoke," said Changkyun as he came up behind Shownu and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Are you trying to impress Leann or what, man?"

Shownu grinned. "Well, it can't hurt, right?"

"Get it, boy!" screamed Changkyun as Shownu started the song off with his clear vocals. Leann hadn't checked out this song before and she wished she had. It might have given her a better view of who they are as a band. The lyrics spoke of the deep longing to belong to someone and the harmonies reminded her of the old Boys-to-Men songs she used to love growing up. She was the only other person in the Karaoke room besides the band so she felt like they were singing it directly to her.

When it was over, they all fell into their seats to get another drink and to pick a new song. Shownu slid into the booth beside Leann and put his arm around her shoulders. "You're up next," he warned her as he toyed with her dangly earring.

"I'm good. I just came to listen."

"Aw, come on. You have to sing. It's part of the experience. You drink. You sing. You drink some more," he laughed. "Speaking of which, have a beer to give you courage," he said, handing her an unopened can.

"No, thanks. I don't really drink," replied Leann.

"Oh, boy. Well, how's that working out for you in Korea? Drinking is a national pastime here."

"Yeah, I've noticed," she quipped.

"So, you don't drink at all?"


"Why not?"

Leann looked around the room before her eyes came back to rest on Shownu's face. "Have you ever seen someone drunk on moonshine?" asked Leann as her face tightened with something remembered that she would rather forget.

"No, but then again, I don't know what moonshine is," replied Shownu.

"It's a liquor that they brew illegally in big tanks. It's super strong. Anyway, when people drink moonshine, they get meaner than cat shit."

"Cat shit?"

"Exactly," concluded Leann.

"Well, let me order you a Coke or something. Does it bother you that I'm drinking?" he asked.

"I guess not, as long as you don't get drunk."

Shownu lifted his hand to his head in a solemn salute. "Scout's honor," he vowed with a quick wink. "But don't try to change the subject on me here. We were talking about how you are going to sing a song. And don't tell me that you don't sing because, to survive in Korea without drinking, you at least had better be able to sing a damned good Karaoke."

Leann laughed. "I mean, I sing, but not like you guys sing. You're on a whole other level."

"Come on," coaxed Shownu, tugging on her arm, trying to pull her to her feet. "Which song do you want? Just pick one already."

Leann relented, "Number 352, but don't make fun of me, OK? The first person to laugh is going to get an ice cube down the back of their shirt," Leann warned.

"We will be on our best behavior, right guys?" said Shownu. His bandmates all voiced their agreement, grabbing tambourines and kazoos in order to provide "accompaniment" for her.

She waved her hands. "No, guys. We won't need any of that for this song," she said as the music started. She held the microphone tightly as if hoping that the energy from the device would somehow seep into her body and give her courage.

She started, tremulous at first, but soon settled into the deep soulfulness of the song.

Georgia, Georg-iaaa,

The whole day through.

Just an old sweet song

Keeps Georgia on my mind.

Her voice was feminine but quite deep. Shownu had never heard a woman who had that much bottom in her voice. She could reach the notes in the bass clef just as easily as those in the treble. It hit him as a revelation to hear the deep rumble in her chest like the old blues greats like B.B. King and Bonnie Raitt.

When she finished, she gave a quick bow of her head and set down the mic on the table. She slipped into the booth with Shownu. She was a bit unnerved by the silence. No one spoke a word. They just sat, staring at her.

"I didn't expect THAT voice to come out of THAT body," said Changkyun finally.

"Yeah," whispered Shownu. "Why the hell have you never told me you could sing like that?"

"Um, I don't know. I guess I thought it was weird for a girl."

"It's not weird at all. It's amazing!" he said. "We have to let you sing for our manager!" he concluded.

The whole band broke out in spontaneous excitement as Changkyun grabbed his phone to call their manager.

"Hold up!" cried Leann. "I don't want to sing for your manager."

"Why not? You have a gift. You could be big!"

"What if I don't want to be big? What if I like being normal-sized?" Leann reasoned.

"Who wouldn't want to be famous and be adored by millions of fans?" questioned Shownu.

"Well, me, for one. It doesn't interest me in the least. Why would I want to be adored by millions of people I don't know and risk not even being liked by the people I do know?"

Shownu bit his lip. "But being famous doesn't have to make you an asshole," he pointed out.

"Sure, it doesn't have to, but it probably can't help," said Leann.

"Wow," replied Shownu, the hurt registering immediately on his smooth features. "I never knew you felt that way."

Leann regretted her words instantly, as soon as she had heard them leave her lips. "Oh, my God, I'm so sorry," she said as she went to place her hand on Shownu's cheek, but he jerked away from her touch.

"The only thing that has ever mattered to me is that the people around me think I'm a good person," he said through a tight throat. "Does that not show?" he asked, searching her face for some assurance.

"Yes, it does show," she attempted to draw her words back. "I made a generalization and I never meant for you to be included in it. I was being judgmental. I never meant to hurt you," she said as she reached out once again to touch his face. This time he didn't move away.

"Enough already," yelled Changkyun. "Are we gonna sit around and cry or are we gonna sing?" He grabbed the mic and shot up to the stage.

"I guess we just had our first fight," whispered Leann into Shownu's ear.

"I guess we did. At least we got it over with. Now we can get to the making up part," he said, grinning as he buried his head into the side of her neck, planting little kisses all over her neck and cheeks while she giggled.


Can't wait to release the next part!

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