Chapter 4: These are my confessions

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Over the two months leading up to the drama and music departments showcase performance, that was planned as away to show parents the talent with in the school, Tori was saddened to find out that Yuma had taken on the extra work of producing the music for the Barians performance, which meant spending more time with them, and attending their rehearsals as well, so he could play the music live for them, while he was recording the tracks after school with Vector. But she knew that Yuma, for some inexplicable reason, thought of them all as friends. Shark and Rio, she could understand, but the rest, especially Vector, confused her, and Yuma never turned down a friend's request for help.

Tori, Bronk and Caswell were also concerned, since Yuma's change of mood had happened so suddenly. They didn't want to say anything though. They didn't want to upset Yuma. But the trio weren't the only ones to notice that Yuma seemed happiest when he was near Shark. Nor how the two had grown closer, and that Shark was smiling when near Yuma as well. Rio and Vector had noticed too. While Rio was happy for both boys, Vector was less so. In fact he seemed more prone to bullying Bronk, Flip, Caswell and Kathy for their duelling.

"Are we sure Yuma won't become distant again?" Caswell asked, as they waited in the music room for Yuma, after school, two days before the showcase. "Depression is characterised by extreme highs and lows, and sudden changes in mood and temperament, you know."

"I think he is out of the woods. Thanks to Shark." Tori admitted reluctantly, wishing she'd been the one to have helped Yuma recover.

"You sure, Yuma's ok, and going to continue being ok?" Bronk asked.

"Yes, Yuma's is ok, and is staying that way." Yuma answered from the doorway, smiling, "Thanks for the concern guys. Now are we taking our instruments to the theatre or not? The tech rehearsal isn't going to wait for us you know." The quartet each picked up their instruments and carried them to the theatre. Bronk and Yuma had to make a second trip, to carry a keyboard between them, because Yuma had been told to prepare a solo set list as well since he had chosen to do a solo set and he want to do it  on the piano.

"You know," Bronk suddenly said, half way back to the theatre, "I'm glad you're happy Yuma, but sometimes I feel like you and I aren't as close as we used to be. Am I still you're best friend?"

"Of course." Yuma answered kindly, looking confused, "What's brought this on?"

"You seem to be talking to Shark a lot more." Bronk said, "I understand that he better understands your mixed up feelings for Astral, but maybe the old crew might get it more if you explained your loss and anger to us."

"I...I..." Yuma stammered, not sure how to answer, "It's just easier to talk to Shark about Astral is all. You guys don't have mixed feelings for him, Shark does. But I talk to you about other stuff. Besides I don't want to change how you remember Astral. That wouldn't be fair."

"That's nice and all Yuma, but I'm your best friend." Bronk said.

"Yeah, but I bet you don't tell me everything." Yuma pointed out, knowing Bronk had feelings for Rio that he only spoke to Tori and Kathy about. Bronk dropped the subject in defeat. After they had put their instruments in a convenient place back stage, Yuma left to find Shark or any of the Barians, to give them their music files.

Yuma found Vector in the dance studio, in costume, checking himself out in the mirror. Yuma thought he looked very full of himself. For once he agreed with everyone. Vector was arrogant. Vector saw Yuma in the mirror.

"Hi Yuma, everything ok?" Vector greeted him.

"Yeah, Ray. I was looking for one of you guys," Yuma said holding up a memory chip, "I have the music recording files and wanted to hand them off. Where are the others?"

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