Chapter 6: Would anyone care?

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A/N: I would like to thank my readers for there help catching my mistakes in the last chapter. It really helped and I hope you continue to enjoy this story. This is a long one, but it establishes a lot. 

WARNING: readers may need tissue towards the end.

Mental health warning: has explicit suicidal thoughts implied.


Yuma found himself floating in a dark void. It hand him panicking a little, but he had it under control, despite the darkness painfully pressing in on his senses, robbing him of them. He'd been through worse after all. Then somewhere off in the distance he could see a blinding, golden light. He also felt something hard beneath his feet. This calmed him, since if he needed to run, or defend himself he could, if he had to. He wasn't floating anymore. Things stayed like this for several seconds. Yuma didn't know why he didn't walk towards the golden light. Some part of him just didn't trust it.

Then the golden light became brighter, casting light upon his surroundings, making the black darkness a deep shade of grey. Yuma was nowhere. There was nothing around him. Just that bright, almost blinding light, which seemed to be brighter at its centre. Was that a figure in the centre? Yuma wondered, as he looked at the light. Something seemed familiar about the figure. But he pushed that thought aside as he felt a coldness from the golden light, that seemed to reaching for him.

Then from behind him Yuma sensed a warmth, again this feeling seemed familiar, like the  sight of the figure in the light looked familiar. Yuma couldn't place it. Yuma turned around to see a dark anomaly, which had a darker silhouette in it. The dark figure made him feel strangely safer. The anomaly itself had a rim of scarlet. The darkness seemed like it was waiting for him, not reaching for him like the light was.

Yuma started walking towards the safety he felt from the darkness.

"Yuma don't." came a familiar voice from the light that was now behind him. Yuma froze in place. Sadness, anger and fear mixed inside of him into a confusing cocktail that made him shed a single tear.

"Go away." Yuma whispered. "I've just got back on my feet. I won't let you break me again."

"Danger's coming." the light said. Yuma clamped his hands over his ears starting to run towards the darkness.

"Leave me alone." Yuma repeated over and over again, until the surface beneath his feet started to rumble and crack, tripping him up.

"He is coming!" the light said, "He will arrive when the 8th rises!" The light enveloped everything, as Yuma found himself falling into one of the opened up cracks.

Yuma started awake. There was a wet sheen of sweat on his brow. Yuma felt his heart racing, as he pulled his knees to his chest, trying to take deep breaths to calm himself. It was just a dream, Yuma thought. But it had felt so real. But he hadn't had a dream like that since Astral. It must have been a nightmare. Must have been.

"Get a grip." Yuma said to himself as he looked at his alarm clock. It was 5:30 in the morning. He'd only had about 5 hours sleep, since he'd been shorting out the clothes he'd need for today's first dress rehearsal until just after mid night. Yuma knew that he wasn't getting back to sleep, and knew it was pointless to even try, since his dad was going to come running in to wake him up, loudly, in about a half hour. So Yuma got out of his bed with a groan, and he got a fresh uniform from his wardrobe, before heading to the bathroom, to wash his face and brush his teeth.

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