Epilogue: A glimpse of the coming future

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WARNING: Spoilers ahead for the out come of the final planned book of my 5Ds trilogy of books. Do not read if you don't want to have any hints as to how those books are going to evolve before you have finished them.

Yuma was pleasantly surprised by the good and kind reactions of his friends after the fight with Proteus. Yes he knew they were a little hurt by what he'd done, but the all understood the reasons as to why he had hidden the truth and thus his life went back to normal. Save for one thing. He refused to take the Astral key back, instead he told Kite to keep it. Of course his dad did ask him where it had gone, and Yuma said that he had lost somewhere in his room, but had failed to find, almost as if it had disappeared. If he got lucky he'd never have to deal with Astral again.

The only thing that bothered Yuma and the other Barians was that Johan had said that he needed to talk to them, but hadn't yet followed through on the request after the Proteus fight, and a couple of months had passed by this point. Dumon had reasoned that their new teacher had simply forgotten what he'd said and thus it couldn't have been that important. This was enough to appease everyone. Well, everyone except Yuma. He had a sinking feeling in his gut that something world threatening was coming. But he didn't know what, but that Johan had to be involved. To Yuma it seemed as if Johan was waiting for something. 

"Try not to worry about it," Shark suggested one afternoon as he and Yuma were walking back to his house to hang out, "if something happens then we'll do something about it. But we can't do anything if we don't know what's coming. Let's just enjoy the peace while it lasts." Shark gave Yuma an affectionate peck on the check as four figures on motor bikes rode past. 

"Yeah," Yuma shrugged, "I guess you're right. I might even be acting more than a little paranoid."

"I can't blame you for that," Shark said smiling kindly, "I was paranoid myself after becoming a Barian again. My sense of danger was near constant. If only I had listened to you, things might have been different."

"Yeah, maybe you're right," Yuma sighed as they turned onto the street that had Shark's gated house on it, "maybe I am still getting used to being a Barian again. I'm still not 100% sure if I should identify has Phantom or Yuma. How'd you decide? You know, between Shark and Nasch."

"I didn't in the end." Shark answered softly, thoughtfully, "I united the two, since I am both. But that might not be the answer for you though, only you can decide." It was at this point both boys looked toward the gate of Shark's house, now only a handful of metres away. They stopped walking. 

In front of the gate to the rather large house that Shark and every Barian save Yuma permanently called home were five figures. Three were dressed in black, one dressed in a red jacket with dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt, and the last was Johan, though somehow he looked a couple years younger. The person in red, was a little shorter than Johan, had twin toned, short brown hair and fierce yet kind looking, big brown eyes. 

Of the three dressed in black, two were men, and one was a woman. The tallest had bright purple eyes, blonde hair that was for the most part short, save for two bits that dangled long. The other man in black had hair of jet back with electric shocks of gold in parts, the style of which was reminiscent of a crab's legs. The female had long black hair and large round glasses.

All this put together, both Yuma and Shark suspected that things were about to change.

"Mr Andersen," Shark addressed his teacher, "What's going on and why have you brought strangers to my home?"

This caused the group of five people to look at Yuma and Shark. But it wasn't Johan who answered Shark's question and what was said was concerning. The person wearing the red jacket stepped forward, a determined glint in his eyes, and a serious expression on his face.

"My name is Judai," the red jacketed man said and then continued, gesturing as required to indicate people's names, "and these are Carly Carmine, Yusei Fudo and Jack Atlas. You've already met Johan as I sent him on ahead to find you. Some complications slowed me and these three down, but we've come to seek the aid of the eight Barian Emperors as the world is in grave danger from another wave from the light of destruction."

"Then I suppose you had better come inside." Shark said leading the way.

The end.

Story to be continued in another book to be announced.

For more information please read the 5Ds acceptance series.

I hope you enjoyed, and hope you all will continue to read my works and enjoy those as well.

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