My Brother's Bestfriend

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Clara's P.O.V

Freedom. The feeling felt good. This house will soon be empty of my brother, meaning I have full control of whatever happened here. The word even tasted good rolling out of my mouth.

"Okay Clara, I'm going!" I heard Finn yell from his bedroom on the top floor. I stood at the door, grin plastered on my face ready for a whole month of no rules. Finn bounded down the steps with all his luggage crashing into everything. He sucked in a breath when he saw me ready for the lecture I really didn't need.

"No boys"


"No parties"


"And so help me god I come back and your pregnant-"

"Time to go" I pushed him out the door not wanting to hear this convorsation from my brother. We had spent the past four years avoiding that subject. Finn opened his mouth to say something but closed it instantly, and from the look on his face I knew what he wanted to talk about. Mum and Dad.

Mum and dad had died in a car crash four years ago leaving me and our little brother Seth to Finn who had just turned 18. He had to work two jobs to get us through school, but still found time to help me with homework and drive Seth to soccer.

I knew even if he came back and I was like that, he couldn't abandon me. He wanted to make sure I was brought up right.

"Finn it's okay, I'm a big girl now. I'm not going to go join a gang while your gone" I smiled at him hoping this eased his fear. He chuckled a tiny bit but still his eyes lingered on his feet. We stood there for a few seconds, me pondering which club is the best and him thinking of a witty comeback. He threw his head back and laughed.

"You look to much like mum, you'd never fit in a gang!" I pretended to be hurt, punched him in the arm and he pretended that that hurt. He was right though. Mum and I both shared the culry, uncontrolable blonde mess I called hair, the slim figure and petite face of a doll. My eyes were Dad's though, a icy blue with tiny flecks of yellow. Finn was all Dad with his unruly brown hair and blue eyes. Unlike dad though Finn was built like a personal trainer.

"Shut up jerk!"



I was going to continue our little sibling rivalry until the beep of a car horn interupted me. A black Mercedes pulled up the front behind Finn's cab. The driver got out and when he turned, It was the face I knew all to well.

Luke Humprie. My first crush also my brother's bestfriend.

Finn dropped all his stuff and ran to him in the front yard to get a 'man' hug. It had been years since I had seen Luke, last time being he drove me home because I accidentally stumbled apon one of his street fights and almost got myself killed. Street fighters don't like random girls running into the middle protesting violence. Noted.

His brown hair was flicking in the wind giving me enough time to catch a glimpse of his chocolate eyes. He had gotten buff and muscley since the last time I saw him. He glanced over at me giving me a tiny wink in the process. I could slowly feel the heat rising to my face.

"Baby Clara!" He called from across the yard. I flinched at his nickname for me. Ever since we were younger he would torment me calling me Baby Clara until I threw things at him.

"Lukey Loner!"

He snarled but still ran up to the door to embrace me in a rib breaking hug. I could barely breath when he threw me across his shoulders and started carrying me over to my laughing brother.

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