Soul Paint

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Clara's P.O.V

"You really should be hoping he is face down in a ditch, because I'll find him" Stacey growled through her half eaten bagel. Since I told Stacey what happened before Aunt Nora walked in, she hasn't been exactly, how do I put it?


I left out the part of Aunt Nora telling me about Luke's father because it would only make her worry about me being around him. We walked into the school with hunched shoulders, missing weekend already even if at one point I was scared Luke was dead. We walked up to a familiar set of lockers and stepped into our usual group. Andy and Allison waved in unison, the same lazy expression on and Sam, Conroy and Tristan nodded in our direction. Sean grinned at me and I gave him a tiny one back. I still have a little crush on him but not as much I did for Luke.

"SO how was your weekend?" Andy wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and Allison punched her lightly in the arm but stared at me expectantly. I sighed as the whole group tuned into the conversation and waited for me to spill the beans.

"Luke tried to kiss her" Stacey says in monotone making the whole group freeze.

"NO WAY!" Allison gasps and her cheeks heat up realizing she just yelled that.

"Knew it, Alli you owe me ten bucks" Andy holds her hand out to Ali who begrudgingly hands her money. Andy grins and her and fans herself with her win, giving me an approving smile. The boys however, all look horrified.

"You let that delinquent ruin our virgin maiden?" Sam's eyes go out of his head and he pointed an accusing finger at Stacey, who then proceeded to call him every foul word in the English language. He blinks twice and tries to digest all the horrible names he's been called. Conroy and Tristen are huddled together behind him debating the possibility of tongue and Sean. Well Sean is frozen.

I wave my hand hesitantly in front of his face but he doesn't move or blink.

"Stace, I think you broke him" I look back at Stacey who is about to burst into fits of laughter and I scowl at her. I make a excuse that I'll be late for class and they call out across the hall, still laughing.

My friends. UH.

My mind wanders back to Luke and my stomach knots in worry. He hasn't come back for a couple days and Fran is gone to. They know how to make me worry more than a teenage girl should be allowed. I see my English classroom and speed there hoping that my friends arn't there yet. I step into class and see Lisa Doben self proclaimed queen of school, sitting there with her friends all huddled around her telling some story about the latest events. When she sees me her lips purse but she continues with her story just louder this time.

"You should have seen it! I was walking back to my house after work and there was this big circle of guys and there were two of them in the middle fighting. It was amazing. It was that Luke Humprie kid. He's scary as hell but a major hottie" She finished and shot me a innocent smile. Processing the information, I stomped over to my desk and sat down with much more force then I had to. Seemingly happy with my reaction, Lisa opens her book with a satisfied smirk on her face.

If i wasn't fully against the swearing thing I could think of a couple words to call her that rhyme with strut.

But Luke who I presumed missing was actually fighting?

He hadn't called or even text to tell me he was okay or that he wouldn't be back for a couple days. I shouldn't be worrying. I'm not his girlfriend. I sighed at my depressing thoughts and didn't listen the entire day. When It finally came to home time, I sprinted out of my chair and went straight to my locker. I was so busy shoving things in my bag I didn't realize that Sean was behind me and trying to talk.

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