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Fran's P.O.V

"I believe it once said in the bible: If you messed up, I am not the one to pull you out of the fire" I glance over at Luke who's face scrunched up into distaste as he looked around my shitty little apartment. His eyes met mine and he gave me a humorless look before groaning. He shoved his face into a pillow and stopped moving for a little.

Hope the little prick asphyxiated.

"I don't know what to do! Arn't you meant to be my father figure or something?" Luke shot up and stared me down with his big puppy eyes that could get a couple girls but I just shook him off.

"That's Finn and I think you should really consider whether you want his second opinion on I screwed up with your sister and I think she kinda hates me" I snort at him and hoist myself off the couch to go get a drink from the kitchen. I feel Luke totter behind me and sigh, turning on him with a glare. We've been here for four days and he hadn't called Clara once to even tell her he's alright?

Not my problem.

"FRRRAANNN" Luke whines at me like a toddler and I do everything in my power not to punch the guy. Even if I did, I would get slaughtered after as he has height and muscle on me. It may stop me from trying. May.

"Go deal with your own mess Luke. The longer you give her the silent treatment, the longer she's going to think she's worthless to you" I reach into the fridge and find the last of the Coke hidden behind the vegetable compartment, opening and surveying Luke. His face is unsure and I just sigh knowing I will probably never get to him this way. I know the reason though. The reason he won't see her.

"You're afraid your Dad will see her with you"

His face goes blank but his eyes burn with anger and fear. I slump back onto the couch and pat the seat beside me, gesturing him to have a seat. He raises an eyebrow at me and I just glare. He flops down on the couch with a annoyed expression and looks at me from the corner of his eye. This guy is literally an overgrown toddler.

"Talk to me"


"The economic state of America. What do you think dumb ass?"

Luke scrunches up his face again but relaxes by sighing and sinking into the couch. He opens his eyes and looks sad, his eyes not actually looking at me but behind me.

"I don't want her hurt" He looks determined and his eyes reach mine. I look and him and gesture for him to continue. He raises an eyebrow at me and I shoot him a glare, my patientce wearing thin. He holds up his hands in surrender. He gives me a this-feels-so-weird face but I just throw my head back and sigh again. God damn he was annoying when he wants to be.

"But I want to be with her" My head snaps up and he has flopped back onto the couch and is staring up at the ceiling. We were silent for a minute, mulling over ideas. I put my Coke down on the coffee table lightly and put my hands on my knees, cupping my mouth and nose. I felt Luke eyes me but I continued breathing.

"You make me so angry. If you want to be with her go. Come on, get up. We're going because I'm sick to death of your woe is me attitude" I stand abruptly and grab him by the shirt. He lets me drag him out side and I basically throw him into the passenger seat of my car. The road is dark and barely anyone's out tonight so I pull my car out quickly. A woman down the street looks at the car and makes a disgusted face. I sneer at her as we pass and turn onto a back road towards Clara's house.

We are silent for a while before I hit the brakes in front of a mall. It's dark but some of the shops should still be on inside. Luke raises his eye brow at me and I pull out my wallet handing him a 50.

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