Flash back! (A chapter throw in)

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Okay, I know it's been ages but I've had a lot of trouble with this chapter, you know how it is. Well just hope you enjoy this flashback in Luke's past and to his present :) keep on reading :)

Luke's P.O.V

Flashback to when Luke was 10

This park was nice. Kids with their parents playing on the grass, laughing as they rolled down hills and not realising how good their lives were. I looked over at my mom who had passed out over near the bench, leaving me to find my own friends with no help. Not like I wanted it from a drunk and disorderly person.

Some kids had gathered in a circle and started to play duck duck goose. I just wished that my rags of clothes looked as good as their store bought ones, some looking to fresh to even be a dream for me. I walked over to the group smiling hoping that they would let me play. A brown haired boy turned and screamed, alarming all the others of my presence.

They all scattered towards their mothers to leave me standing alone in the play ground and without so much as a friend to comfort me. I had started to tear up.

I felt a small hand on my shoulder and turned to see and kid looking only a few years younger than me. She had light blonde hair and sky blue eyes, looking more like a barbie than a kid. She curled her tiny fingers around my loose fitting jacket and started to tug urgently.

"Will you be my friend, no one wants to play," She drawled over her words showing her as a younger girl, but the thought of having a friend, no matter how young made me want to hug the young girl. I nodded happily and followed her towards a free swing. We sat together for an afternoon, talking about her fascination with panda's and why the sky was blue. She had the most interesting stories, like the time she broke her arm and her mum left a whole two weeks of work just to take care of her.

Sometimes I wished I had a mum like that. Instead she was still motionless beside the bench, her whiskey bottle still clasped tightly.

Suddenly the little girl was pulled of by an older boy who I had begun to know as Ty Helm, the known bully around these parts and the girl fell into the sand. My fist started making my hand ball up. I had just made a new friend and he had to go make her sad. I hadn't even fought before but I could try.

"Stop being such a baby" Ty stuck his tongue out at her making her even big eyes fill up with more tears. Even her cute little dress was cute little dress was covered with sand.

"But I'm not!" she whined at him, tried to get up but he pushed her down to the ground again.

"Whatever, my dad says your dad is a bad guy and that he's going to jail," Ty had puffed out his chest to make himself look threatening but instead it made him look like a puffer fish. Trying to hold in all my fury was horrible.

"No he-" A tear feel down her cheek and her hands went up to hide her face. That was it.

I drove my tiny fist into his face, not meaning to fully hurt him, just to stop him from hurting the girl anymore. He held his face and ran, blood coming from his nose. I helped the little girl up.

"Thank you-"


"My name is Clara"

"Baby Clara, I like it"

Clara crossed her arms over her chest and started to fume but was interrupted by a boy my age standing next to her. He looked a lot like her so I guess this was her older brother. He scanned me then casually looked over at Ty, now crying in the corner. He smiled.

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