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it's been a long timeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm so sorry OMGGGG 

But i got it updated :)

I also started on new books and I would love if you guys gave them a read!

The link to them is here. Comment "Perfect Isn't Weak" on one of the books for a shoutout or follow, if you are an author as well, let me know and I'll give your book a read :))) 




This is it, this is the day Harry has been waiting for, the day he fights Connor. I'm nervous for him, but he's been training like crazy, I saw him these past couple of weeks. Ester's condition is slightly worsening but he is out of the hospital, just not doing so well. I'm so worried for him.

My uncle has helped Harry and I move into our own place. It's great living with him and Theo, but the stress of the world is still always on me. Petite has been driving by our house, and I'm so sure it's him. I told Harry about it, and he told me he probably lives around the area, but I don't know about that. I've also started working an internship at a publishing company, it's hard with Theo, but he stays with my aunt.

"Hey little guy," Harry jumps on the bed to sit by Theo. "Oh shit, he's got my hands," Harry points to the little fist Theo was making. I break into a little laugh.

"Harry?" I get closer to him having a seat on the bed with him and Theo.

"Hmm?" He mumbles to me making funny faces at Theo.

"You need to get going," I remind him, and he groans.

"But Theo and I are having a mad staring competition," He says wincing his eyes at Theo, who breaks into a giggle.

"You have another competition to worry about right now," I point out.

"Fine," he groans and places Theo in his crib. 


Harry left for his fight hours ago, Theo and I stayed home and got ready. I would have went but I didn't want Theo to get fussy at the fight, and I wanted to feed him and get him to sleep before the fight. Theo is going to be backstage with my aunt so I can be there for Harry, I just want to make sure Theo's asleep and fed first. 

"You look just like daddy today," I laughed with Theo, he gave me a huge dimpled smile. "Should we take a picture of you in your little boxing outfit and send it to him? I think so," I talk to Theo. 

He's absolutely adorable, I still can't believe I was pregnant with him and gave birth to him. It all happened so fast, but I'm so thankful for my little boy. He looked so much like Harry right now. Harry bought him a little boxing outfit and insisted I put him in it for tonight. 

Me: look how cute he lookssssss

Harry: he's going to be such a good looking man like his dad 

Me: HA HA. Are you feeling ready?

Harry: I'm scared baby 

Me: no you're not 

Harry: can you come I just want to hug you first? Please?

Me: I'm on the way, I'm just going to put Theo to bed. Is Ester already there?

Harry: no? He said he was with you?

Me: oh 

What the hell is going on? I should probably call Jessica to see. My heart is starting to race, this whole Ester situation is giving me a lot of anxiety. 

"Hey Jessica," I say as soon as she picks up the phone. 

"Hey sweetheart," she answers. 

"Harry just told me Ester said he was with me, but Ester didn't even call me today, do you know what's up?" I asked her, picking up Theo, placing the phone in between my shoulder and ear. 

"He at the doctor's and didn't want Harry to know or ask about results, Harry didn't do well last time," I was confused at her comment. 

"What do you mean?" I asked her placing the phone on speaker as I began to make a bottle for a crying Theo.

"Harry yelled at the doctors, ragged out, and disappeared for the whole day. Do you not remember?" Jessica asks me. 

"Honestly no, he never said anything about this. When was this?" I asked her needing to know. 

"Last week," she tells me. 

Last week he told me he was out with a few friends and going to practice and didn't come back home until 3 A.M. he said nothing about Ester. I hate it so much when he lies. 

"Oh yeah, totally had a brain fart," I make up. 

Harry you lair. 

"He's on the way to the arena right now anyway. Should I meet you there?" Jessica asks. 

"Soon as I get Theo to sleep, I'll meet you there," I tell her. 


Once we arrived at the arena Theo, my aunt and I went backstage and I set up his playpen to place him in a comfort sleep. 

"Auntie, I'll be right back, I just have to go check on Harry," I let her know. She nods, still looking at Theo with a smile. 

"Harry!" I shout through the hallways. He should be the only one practicing here today. Asher is at a private gym from what I've heard. 

"Baby!" I hear him shout back. Where the heck is he?

"Turn around!" He shouts running to me. 

"Whoop," I say once he runs close to me quickly. He holds my shoulders and pecks my lips, his bandana pulling his hair back, sweat beads dripping from his forehead. 

"You should you should be working out this hard right before the fight?" I ask him. 

"No, no, I was just doing some cardio to get myself feeling well," he explains to me. 

"Okay," I respond kissing his cheek. 

"I'm so damn ready baby, I'm pumped," he says to me holding me in for a hug. 

"Yeah, you're going to do great," I encourage him. 

"Where's Theo?" He asks. 

"Backstage with my aunt," I respond. 

"Where's Ester?" He asks me. 

"He is... uhhh... he's... over there!" I say quickly in relief once I see Ester in front of me. His face looks so yellow today, I hope he's okay. 

"Ester man!" Harry runs to Ester. 

I sure hope he's okay. 

"You ready to fight man?" He asks Harry. 

"Oh fuck yeah!" he expresses determine. 

Auntie: come quickly please, someone wants to see you

I read the message and watch as Harry walks away. 

Me: who?

Great, more crap. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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