373 18 18

Hey babes!!! Okay get ready for the twists and turns starting now.

Song for the chapter

Sad Eyes- James Arthur

Maybe- James Arthur

I've lost him and just because of my fucking dad and his fucking money. After the fight Connor was so angry he told my father I was in a relationship with a poor guy in Livernois, which my dad seems to find worse than a cheater or some shit. I wouldn't care if my father knew and yelled at me, hell even kicked me out, but he threatened to harm Harry. I can't have anything happen to Harry, I wouldn't forgive myself.

I was girly and stupid but I saw Harry and I, with all my heart, I saw us. I don't know how I'm going to do it because I miss him already. I can still taste the sweetness of his bruised lips on mine from yesterday, I can still see the shine in his eyes, I still breathe the same air he does, and my father wants to tell me I'm wrong for loving him. I'm so sure I love him, I can't even doubt it, I've never questioned myself about it. Actually, I'm Rosie Lanson I'm sure I have, but that's because I doubted I would find a guy like Harry.

Harry is my once in a blue moon.
I want my blue moon, he shined so brightly.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone chimed on my nightstand.

Harry: please don't leave me hanging. Rosie are you okay?

Me: Harry we just can't be together anymore and it's killing me to say that

Harry: tell me why

Harry: how about you tell me at my mother's wedding this fucking weekend the one you promised me you would go to

Me: I did promise and I'm sorry but I thought they were getting married later.

Harry: change of their fucked-up plans I guess

Me: I'm sorry I'm only doing it for you though


Me: bye Harry I'll see you once in a blue moon

I made my way downstairs to see my father and my aunt, most gross sight after what they said yesterday.

"Rosanna come sit," my father says.

"No," I bluntly say.


"What?" I turn around, the anger evident in my voice.

"I'm doing what's best for you," I see the sympathy in his eyes, he knows he's done wrong.

"What's his last name?" I ask referring to Harry.

"What?" He gives a confused look.

"Harry, what's his last name?" I cross my arms and wait for his response.

"That doesn't matter," I give an eye roll and sarcastic smile at his response.

"It's Styles, shows how much you really know about him. All you know is he doesn't have money, and you assumed that's because he what? Spends it on drugs? Throws it on dancers? What dad? Answer me," my aunt watches in the back and this time I feel more angry at her than my father.

"Your wealth shows how hard you work," I almost want to throw something at him when he speaks, that's the most debatable claim ever, and I passionately would counter his claim.

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