Chapter 28

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"The Northen wind blew towards the western seas, in the middle of the glistering seas A Vulcano was Raised through a melody, the ethereal seas was encircled by the eastern land, if my conclusions are right the mirrors are somewhere through the arrows of a compass"she walked like a teacher while her hand is on here chin na ang isang kamay ay nakasuporta dito, she's thinking deeply as if something is wrong and a bug to everything"but then again, I could be wrong..."She sighed"If the four mirrors are located on the arrows of a compass... where's the last place?"

"surely the paper would give us hints for the last piece but their are no further more information on where it is"she tsked and shook her head"this is really giving me a head ache, is it really on the arrows of the compass? or somewhere that needs more observation"she took the piece of paper"is it somewhere on the land? the vulcano ratheror at the sea? but if it is... then the locations are subtracted"

"then what are we supposed to do sylvie?"tanong ni cassandra.

"I don't know... if the clues are correct it should be Five, giving us Four is just giving me more doubts and questions if i am correct... a paper that baptized is something, really it is"

"should we discuss this again tommorow?"tanong ko, it had been hours or that's what i think since the sun is setting once again, the hours always run so fast as if something is chasing it... especially when happiness occurs out of nowhere, time will have the instinct to out run the fastest man in the world.

Sylvia's conclusions made me look at her more, she so smart, I mean to crack the info in the paper I alos have had a close thought, that the places being mentioned is where the pieces are. but then the arrows of the compass was indeed a closer,  but if the peices are in the north south east and west.

where are they exactly located?

"Nope"biglang my nagsalita sa likuran, lahat ng atensyon namin ay napapunta sa kaniya"Ya'll are going to find those mirrors right now"tumikhim ito at nagsindi ng sigarilyo"Ya'll are really complicated as fuck"he sighed and shook his head"this is basic common sense, if it's located in the south east west north or whatsoever, and places like a vulcano seas and on land then... the Mirrors are in the empires! silly silly"he tsked and shook his head.

"then if it's in the four empires why are their only 4? where is the last piece? and how come it's

"give yourself up"tumikhim ito"go and deal with a headache, imma go to bed"and right after that he's a bit grumpy walks away from us.

"he does have a point"tumayo si cassandra"you are kinda making it a bit complicated..."

"I kinda agree"ani ni rious"so like what can 20 yearolds do know?"

"I'm 18, bitch"inirapan ko siya.

he chuckled"my bad..."nagkasulyapan kami  nginitian ko siya at agad umalis ng tingin dahil ipinihit ni cayden ang ulo ko.

"the only reason on why I'm being too complicated for all of you, it's because i don't want to have a mistake..."she sighed and sat infront"we don't have much time even for mistakes, they might be freezing to death by now"

she's right, but how can we find it with the lack of intelligence and information? how can we find or even solve the reason on why it was parted into five, well their is only 1 thing written and can be concluded... the twins fell inlove?

is that the reason on why it was parted?

but that's a very tiny bit of reason... love isn't the one keeping the mirror still, that's what i think and since when did love was part at a serious matter? in common sense it should be more strong, the bond would be stronger because they are together now. so how are they parted? or rather who parted it.

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