Chapter 13

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A month living in this world made alot of questions in my mind, what's with my mom? why does she have an assistant or somekind? Ano ang katauhan niya? Is she something big? is she here too? dito ba siya ngayon nakatira?

Lahat yan ay ang umiikot sa isip ko magmula kahapon. I felt so intrigued why didn't she even told me about this earlier?

I sighed, why am I asking this to my self? Why did I even felt so surpised? She's hiding something from me and draven is one of it...

No. maybe he's the whole reason for it.

I don't get it, draven seems so nice and I think he loved me for real.... he seems real to me like all of his gestures are sincere Lalo na yung una naming pagkikita.

He's also a bit playful, but that doesn't clarify his whole.

"Divina"I looked at him on the reflection of the mirror, I was busy brushing my hair afraid that it might be too exaggerated.

"Oh?"I said while focusing on my hair. Kahakahapon ng malaman nilang my nagbigay sa akin ng pera, hindi ko na tinggap ung bigay nila instead we treated ourselves for lunch. I was a bit thankful for that I bought alot of things thanks to that money.

I look at what I'm wearing later, I can't help but to smile I'm soo excited! Pero ang kaso wala akong kapartner.

He smirked Habang nakasandal ang kanyang katawan sa my pintuan"Too bad you don't have a partner to impress"He chuckled"I'm here tho you can impress me"He winked.

I rolled my eyes when I felt my face heated"I'm sorry but I don't want to impress the pervert who took a dive on my chest"I bit my lower lip.

Your mouth Divina!

"Want me to swim again?"My eyes widend napatigil ako sa pagsusuklay"it's unfortunate for the both of us to experience that in a wrong place"he tsked. Habang gumagawa siya ng maliliit na hakbang papunta sa akin, parang my nangangati sa babang likuran dahil sa paglapit niya

Ng makalapit na siya sa akin he hold onto my shoulders, on the reflection I saw him licked his lower lip bahadya siyang lumapit sa akin para bumlong.

"We can do that again, if you want"I didn't say anything I saw his lips formed a seductive smile, I felt my throat as it is starting to dry up"I can swim and I want it private"he whisperd in a slowtone"I don't want people to see me swimming it's bothering knowing that the pool is my property"my breathing hitched, he started moving his head to my ear.

"Like you, you look botherd, do you have the words to tell me why?"He bit his lower lip causing me to quiver"Sweetheart"

Natauhan ako napakurap ako't hinampas ang mga kamay niyang nakahawak sa akin.

"Nakakadiri ka"amba ko siyang hahampasin pero hindi ko ito ginawa"bakit ka ba nandito?"Tinaasan ko siya ng kilay at ipinagpatuloy muli ang pagsuklay.

"Be my Partne-"

"No"Ibinaba ko ang suklay at tiningnan ang sarili.

"Come o-"


"Tell me why?"

"You have Cherry"I rolled my eyes"Date her you sicko"

"How am I a sicko?"Kumunot ang noo niya sakin halatang naiirita.

"Ask yourself, you made her cry"I said coldly.

"If only you knew why"tumaas ang isa Kong kilay at bumaling sa kanya.

The Moon's Twilight(COMPLETED)(HALFYNX SEASON 1)Where stories live. Discover now