Chapter 7

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"Witch Village"

Pagod ang mga mata ko habang nakatitig sa unahan, ito ang pinaka huling subject namin for today, History.
I feel so tired! Because Cassandra didn't go to school.

Iniintay niya kasing maging paro paro yung alaga niya, she said that she wants to be their if her pet becomes a butterfly.

That's why it's so boring! and I can feel the tiredness in me.

We found her pet at a waterfall yesterday, and it's really tiring, mga 1am na ako nakatulog non! it took us almost 3 hours! Just to find her Caterpillar, kumain pa kami non! Kaya halos mapaiglip na ako dahil sa hunab ng hapon.

At first I didn't knew that a waterfall exist inside the academy's grounds Oo malaki yung Isla but I can't help to wonder why? And how? I sighed.

What bothers me is draven, is he stalking me? we've seen each other two times in just a day which isn't usual and a bit creepy. To be honest.

The class went on smoothly, nagquiz lang kami and a few discousions, mukhang magisa lang akong uuwi. sylvia said that she'll be making a report on one of her subjects tommorow kaya pupunta siya ng libary, I can't wait for her tho i have some things to do aswell.

Everyone went outside and I was the only one left alone, sylvia already bid her goodbye nung inaayos ko ang mga gamit ko.

I always bring alot of stuff, just incase if something totally unexpected happens.

I was about to go outside when a figure of a guy standing at the door caught my attention.

"anong ginagawa mo dito?"takang tanong ko his hand Slid inside his pocket habang kampante siyang nakasandal sa pintuan.

"waiting for you ofcourse"kumunot ang noo ko, he's waiting for me?

"And why is that?"he shrugged.

"I just want to"napakurap ako, is he playing with me?

"Uh-huh?"he smiled and nodded, so innocent like an act"is their something special in me?"

"Not really, tho I only want to..."

Yeh, he's up to something horrible! Damn you cayden!

"...If you think I'm up to something, you're right"i sighed and rolled my eyes"But it's not that bad"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it will be fun and a surprise"

"Where are we going exactly?"napangiti siya ng makitang didediretyo ang lakad ko papunta sa kanya.

He shrugged"you'll see"i felt my face heated when he winked at me.

Sabay ang mga hakbang namin palabas wala nagiimikan samin ni isa, I was supposed to go home but... argh! Why did I even come with him???

I was supposed to study at home and go home!

I groaned"Why did I even come with you?"irita Kong tanong he took a glance at me.

"I told you it'll be fun, and it will take us more then an hour or so"my eyes widend.


"Yep if you're with me you'll have fun"He took my hand, I felt butterflies starting to hatch from their cocoons" comeone sweetheart walk faster"hindi ako nakapagprotesta at mabilisan niya akong hinigat, everyone was looking at us while we're walking at the halls.

Ayokong makita nila ako! kung kaya't tinakloban ko ang mukha ng dala dalang libro.

What is he even up to?

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