*Chapter 6: Under the Mistletoe.

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"Hey. So you wanna go to New York with me? Again? I'm spending Christmas with my dad and step moms family. It's a not so last minute family trip with my dad and step moms side of the family." Dani says into the phone, folding dresses and skirts, jeans and pj pants, stuffing them into her suitcase.

"A family trip? To New York?" Tony tilts head, thinking then gets up and starts packing his bags.
"Say less girl." He grins, throwing boxers and pants and shirts into a suitcase.
"For how long and what times your flight? So I can book mine."

"Yes!" Dani cheers and pumps her fist in the air. "Okay great. I already have my flight and stuff booked with my dads company jet. I'll just call and let them know. There will be two passengers instead of one." She grins and nods.

"Company jet?" He chuckles. "Sounds cool. So don't worry about about booking a flight then?"

"Nope. We're covered. I'm almost done packing. So I'll come over there when I'm done and help you pack then we can head to the airport. It's been a few hours since my dad sent the jet to get me. They should be here by the time we're done." She nods.


"Hey dad. I'm bringing a friend again. There's room at the hotel right?" Dani asks her dad, putting her feet up across Tony's lap.

Tony arches an eyebrow at her, looking down at her feet then up at her then back at his phone, playing a random game on his phone. He sticks his tongue out in concentration.

"It's not that boy you brought last time is it?" Daniel arches an eyebrow.

Dani looks over at Tony and reaches up with her foot, kicking at his phone and nudges his phone with her feet playfully.
"And? I thought you liked him? You said he was a great guy." She nods.
"You said he's was really nice. And that you were glad to meet some of my friends from university."

"That I did.." Daniel nods. "And he is. And I am.. But-"

"But? But what? He's my best friend and Opal is always busy modelling. My other new friend Amelia. She has plans with her boyfriends family. Tony doesn't have plans. He was just going to stay home. And Opal. She's doing so amazing. But we hardly see each other during her busy times. And now she's been pretty busy."

"I would tell you if you didn't cut me off so soon, baby girl." He nods.

"Ugh. Fine. I'm listening." She nods then kicks the phone out of Tony's hand.

"Dani!" Tony gasps and narrows his eyes at her then goes to get up only to be pushed back down by Dani pressing her foot against his chest.
"Would you let me-"

She throws a pillow at his face, cutting him off.
"Is he already on the plane with you? Damn it Danielle." Daniel groans and rubs his temples.
"Andy and I agree that this boys intentions with you.. are not as innocent as you may think." He nods.

Tony narrows his eyes and starts tickling her feet, holding them there in his lap.

She smiles innocently at Tony then squeaks, laughing and tries to move her feet only for tony to grab ahold of her ankles and hold her feet in place and keep tickling them. She laughs and squeals, kicking her legs and wiggling her feet. He eventually lets her feet go, wiggling his brows at her. She immediately pulls her legs into her seat with her and hugs her legs to her chest and narrows her eyes at Tony.
"Really dad? And you two got this conclusion from one weekend? When I've know this guy for.. over three years now. I trust him. Can you guys learn to like him?" She pouts and sits up a bit more, resting her chin on her knees and wraps her arm around her legs.

"Thank you." Tony nods and gets up, walking over and grabs up his phone.
"Damn it. I lost the game.." He frowns.

"And what exactly do you think his intentions are with me? Huh? What's he gonna do? You guys don't even know him and you're already judging him. Yeah he's on the plane and he's coming. You guys taught me to be strong and independent and to make my own choices. And he's my friend that I choose."

Falling In Love With My Bestfriend. // Tony Lopez. Where stories live. Discover now