Life Changes

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I went to the bathroom

Here you go

Wish me luck

Good luck

I peed on the stick and the feeling of nervous crept in deep inside my soul and then the plus sign appeared my heart just sank to my knees and sobbed

You okay

I stood handed to him busted into tears

It going to okay I promise

I sobbed into his arms 

Rosy you need report to the office



What do I do

Come on be my go apprentice


I went to the office


Girl is in the bathroom apparently hurting herself

Have teacher tried to get out

Yes but she wants you and him to help


Which bathroom

Upstairs across from Mrs V room

How long an hour or so

She could be dead

We ran up the stairs everyone back the fuck up

I walked in the stall door was closed I open it and the girl was faced in the toilet with blood gushing

I need the first aid kit and AED

I moved her body

She not breathing

I started CPR

Christian picked him up and carried her to the ambulance and I just cried until the ambulance was out of site

Hey it okay

What if that was my own daughter I just down

You tried that all we can praise you on


I never had student attempt suicide before to kinda breaks my heart for her

You feel as educator you the first person they see and the last person you see you just hope to impact them but sometimes it doesn't work and it hurts

We went in and everyone was sobbing

Hey guys it going to be okay we will take care of her and she in the best hands

We're the counselor

Guys we need to wait for little bit

Go to the chapel please

Oaky they all replied

What are to do

Don't know but the cops are up there investigating the stall

We were in the middle of mass when mine phone ringed


Hi I'm calling into he behalf of the girl who came on after suicidal attempt


I'm sorry to say she passed away as were prepared for surgery and she was pregnant too


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