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I left the room as tears streaming down my face and Christian followed me. He wrapped his arms around my exhausted body as I cried into his chest he held me until my crying subsided

I'm sorry

Don't be

We went to the gym

The copy girl

My name Molly

I turned this in and he is accused me of copying it

It doesn't sound like you wrote it

I did I had pinkeye thank you very much and my dad helped me with it

It not your writing I can't get credit

You know she had an IEP

So she could've done it by herself

Take chill pill of you

Anymore problems that I can solve

Why is there all over the place in Franey hall

I don't want to talk about it

I started getting a bad headache and I want to die and have sex. So they had a break I went to my room. I took my jewelry I felt like I haven't slept in three days. My eyes hurt badly. I felt hands on my waist as Christian kiss on my neck. It so good to have his warm hands on my exhausted body. He started taking my shirt off to exposed my bra as his bare chest touched my chest. I started kissing his lips and we laid on the bed. He started removing me pants exposing my underwear. As his hand gently pulled my underwear down. As I hear him unzipped his pants.

I started hyperventilating badly. I can't do this I said as tears streaming to my face

Hey it fine babe

He held me to his warm body as I fell asleep to his heart beat

Over PA Rosy please report to the office

I hid myself under the covers of the warmth of my husband made me feel comfortable and safe in his arms

Over PA Again Rosy please report to the office your mother her asking for you

Leave me alone

I think you should go

We both ran down to the office

What happen

I looked over and my mother had big gashed on the side of her head


It was bleeding really badly as I placed a paper towel on the wound she passed out

I laid on the floor

She barely have a pulse

I started chest compressions and crying

Someone call 9-1-1

Christian called

As I sat there I couldn't revive her

Don't die on me today

There are on the way

Christian took over chest compressions as I cleaned her eyes and wounds. I was just sobbing but by the time the EMT got there she was gone I mean dead

They took her to the morgue I was just flabbergasted of what happen I deflated for sure. We went back to our and I went back to sleep and Christian held me as I sobbed harder he kissed my shoulder as tears streamed down my face

Hey babe just breathe I love you I'm here for you.

After several of sleepy hours I woke up in the arms of Christian and I had several missed call from the school

I look at them and groaned at some of them

Today was farewell day I and I had to sing at it I wasn't on the mood to do either of those things

I stood up and put my clothes on and put my hoodie up and headed to the gym where I felt my depression hit hard

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