The hallway smackdown

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At the bell we were released for recess

Hey what going with you and the teacher

Nothing okay

Well sure it seems like you have special bond

Nothing is happen

I went to my locker to grab a pad I was on my period

Hey slut what you doing kissing up on Mr Christian

What are you talking about

Don't bullshit me

We all no why you sneak out to get attention from him

I don't have crush on him I promise

Oh you bitch hell with you she punched me the face repeatedly

Hey stop it now

I found the courage to say

Well maybe be I'm trouble get the fuck out

He took me to the class and I broke down crying

Hey it okay I promise I'm here

He hugged me and I heard his heart beat

Yeah I caught your too liar

Hey get out now

What about class

Hold on

He close the blinds of the classroom

Hey it okay

No it not I screamed

And to calm me down be kissed me on my lips

I hugged him


Mr Christian please come to the office

I'll be back

He left me with door closed I screamed my head off I threw desk and broke my mirror sat on the floor with blood pooling on the ground

Well here goes bat shit crazy

Get out Santana we don't need you

So you go and have sex with our teacher

No so I can kill myself for you

Good luck

I pushed here

You won't to go for round two we got it

Yeah sure

Stop it now

Have fun with dog face here

You aren't helping get out

Go and call out sick and I'll take you home


I went to the office

I don't feel good

You don't sweetie

Let's call you mom


I had my cell phone in my teacher room set to my mom

She on the way

I went outside and me and my teacher left

He took me to his house and we made out in the back of his car I don't but it was great

How will no one finds out

Don't tell them it's easy trust me no one will ever expect our Romance

You know what we should do is we do like a glee club

I love it

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