Facing my abusive

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I need hot shower


Just go okay

What's wrong bad

I don't know

I'm right here

Are your pregnant on period

Maybe I don't know

I went into the locker room and I took long hot shower

Then my hubby came down


Hi babe

Your father here


You dad here


Don't know

I got dressed

I went into Franey

Oh baby

Dad why you here

I want to patch things up

You couldn't come any sooner

How are you

I'm not telling you

Why I'm your dad

Dad you the one who made want to kill myself

I'm changed


You could have changed when I was born

My insane father held up a gun

What are you doing lunatic

Killing my daughter

What the reason

I hate you

We can settle this

Today farewell day can we just handle this differently


Bam the gun goes and Christian jumped in front of it taking the bullet for me and then my father turns the gun on himself

I fell to my knees and crawled to Christian body laying lifeless he sit have a pulse but barely I started chest compressions

Some call the police or ambulance now

I did chest compressions I was exhausted and crying I was covered in his blood and the Emt took over for me as I sat back as tears fell down my face

Ma'am come with us

I drove in the back of the ambulance praying that a miracle happen

We arrived at the hospital and they rushed him into surgery I waited for what felt like forever. I was so exhausted from crying all day I brought my knees to my chest as I sobbed harder as I laid my head on the back of the chair as my eyes drifted away.

Soon I was awaken by the doctor who operated on Christina

Your husband is out of surgery


I walked into his room and he was awake

Oh babe

I ran over to him and I held his hand

Baby you survived what you did I couldn't thank you enough for

I kiss his forehead

He still pretty sore just be careful

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