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I clutched my paper to my chest and my breathing increased heavily. Christian sat down and I took deep breathe

Quite down please I said but no listened to me

My temper went through the roof

Shut the fuck up please let me talk

Someone is grouchy

Shut up please for the love of god

Why you so upset one of senior yelled

Why am I

Haha my mother died in the office so now emotionally depressed and can't help but cry

I'm sorry

Today we sat goodbye to the seniors today always tears me up inside. Senior this class is speacial to me and you I don't how to explain it but let's begin. You have speacial unquie personality and talent. All shape and sizes and you are accepted to everyone who steps foot in this school. When challenges arrived for your class instead of crumbled you fought it off and you survived through hell together. As you go off to your separate ways take this note have a day to yourself to reflect upon

I went back to seat down


Olivia has gone psycho

How I texted back

She has a gun threatening to end her life

I walked out in the hallway

Olivia set the gun down I said

No Olivia said stepping closer to me

I grabbed the door of the chapel and closed it

Why you doing this? I asked

I want my sucking life to be ended I don't care if your want me to be alive Olivia said

Christian walked to the door

Is everything okay? Christian asked

Just keep everyone in there I said

Hand me the gun now I said

No Olivia yelled

There no point of ending your life it will be more painful for your family I said

They don't love me Olivia said

I'm sure they do why wouldn't they I asked

I'm gay they didn't accept me Olivia said

Sweetie if your parents don't accept you the school will I said inching closer to Olivia

I pryed the gun from her cold grip as she broke down crying

Christian i said

Yes honey Christian said

Call 9-1- and said we have student who is suicidal I said

Okay Christian said

I put my arm around Olivia and we walked to the stairwell

I want to call my parents Olivia said

No I'm sorry I said trying to hold back my tears

Christian walked in

The ambulance is on the way Christian said

You call the police and Ambulance Olivia said

Is there an issue I said

I'm not mentally insane Olivia said

You need help why did you have a gun I said

It a fucking gun I was pranking you Olivia said

You threaten suicide that's not a joke I'm sorry but it not funny in any shape of form I said

I don't care Olivia said standing up

I'm not letting you leave I said

I don't need help Olivia said

Christian took her arms

Let go of me Olivia said

Sorry I can't Christian said

I turned my back once and she go away

Babe I yelled

I ran to the gym she stood there with gun to her temple

Olivia stop before you make terrible unreversible mistake I said

I need to end my life Olivia said

Just breathe please I said

She dropped the gun

I grabbed her arms as her body jiggle down to the floor in tears

The cops took her to safety

Around of applaud

It's nothing I love you guys I said

I love you babe Christian put his hands on my waist as he kissed me

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