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i carried my bags with me out of the mall getting ready to head home. i phoned my long-term boyfriend to let him know i was coming , but to no avail there wasn't an answer.

i was confused since he always picked up the first or second ring with no hesitation. i closed my eyes and breathed in and out to calm my myself down. i didn't want to overthink the worse.

i pushed the start button on my car and headed down the road. i slowed down after i began to think about the situation. my intuition got the best of me and i sped off.

he's cheating ..
your not the only one ..
leave him ..
get revenge ..
catch him ..

i took deep breaths letting the tears cascade down my cheeks. i finally got out leaving the bags in the car since i might leave again.

the lights were on and the front door was already unlocked. i reached the wooden stairs of our home , and slowly ascended up. with each step my heart broke.

i finally reached the top and walked to the bed room door. my hand landed on the knob getting ready to open the door.

i closed my eyes and opened the door. as i opened them , i could see him laying under the cover and could see there was a silhouette of a body next to him.

my heart broke even more.

i grabbed a belt quietly out of the closet and came close to them. as i raised the diamond crested belt into the air , i seen his eyes flutter open.

his eyes widened , but before he could react , i was quick to bring the belt down on his naked chest.

i smiled having fun.

"i .. am .. so .. fucking .. done .. with .. you."

i beat they ass until i saw blood. i then stopped , dropping the belt breathing heavy. i quickly packed some clothes , surely coming back to get the rest later. as i walked to the room door and turned around.

"now think about what you've done bitch.." i glanced at the girl seeing her struggle to put her clothes on since she was in pain. "and you .. don't fuck with peoples man. this should be a lesson." i laughed and walked out heading to my car.

it's been months since what happened. since then , i've been working on myself , doing better , looking better , and living better. i changed my number so he couldn't contact me.

no one knew we broke up. not even the publicist.

i traveled down my hallway of my apartment with my phone in hand. as i opened the fridge an unknown caller called me. but i didn't answer.

i let it ring until it stopped. i got a notification of a voicemail causing me to go to the app. i pressed play hearing  the raspy voice of him.

"hey baby .. uhh i know you don't wanna hear from me right now , and proly not ever. but i miss you baby , i really do. i can't live with out you. i can't even sleep in our bed without smelling yo scent. i can't even stay in the living room for long periods of time with out thinking of how many times we fucked on tha couch. *laughs*. i miss yo laugh , i miss your touch , i miss your kisses , i miss that pussy. juss call me back or sum so we can work this out. i love you Dior Marie Onfroy.."

as the voicemail cut off , i let the tears fall down. do he really deserve another chance ? my head was stuck in the last sentence.

i love you Dior Marie Onfroy ...

but do you really .. ?

𝙅𝘼𝙃𝙎𝙀𝙃 𝙄𝙈𝘼𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙀𝙎 Where stories live. Discover now