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Warning: slight mention of blood(but just in like, the first few paragraphs)


Nightmare was panicking, searching for any way to get rid of the creature growing in her. She started to shuffle through the drawers "where is it, where the fuck is it!!" She mumbled to herself. Error tried to get her up calm down "nightmare, calm down" he said, trying to get ahold of her. Nightmare pushed him away. Error got scared, nightmare was never this aggressive. At least towards him.

Nightmare slightly cheered when she found a knife. She grabbed it from the drawer. Starring at its blade. Error really started to freak out. "NIGHTMARE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!?" Error yelled, trying to grab the arm that had the knife.

Nightmare started to struggle, she was so close. He was holding him back. "ERROR! Let me go!" She screamed, jerking her arm out of his grip. She lined the knife up to the soul in her stomach. "Nightmare! Stop! You might die!!" He started crying.

She didn't listen

With one swig movement...

She fell to the floor. Cold. Blood pouring out of her stomach.


The hospital was silent. Only the sound of a monitor beeping could be heard.

Error was sitting in nightmare's room. Waiting...

Gradient was also there. He was drawing in his coloring book. "Hey dada..?" He started, looking up from his paper. Error sighed and looked at him "what is it gray?" He asked, smiling. "When's mama gonna leave here and come back home?" He asked. Errors smile faded. Gradient understood his mother could die, but he liked to look on the bright side of life. "Soon...I hope." Error mumbled. Gradient smiled "we should make cookies for her when she gets back!" Gradient said happily. Error smiled a bit. 'At least someone still has hope' he thought. "*gasp* dada! We should throw mama a party when we get home!! I can get Lusty to plan it!! And Uncle horror and I could bake sweets!!" He said. Error chuckled. "That's a great idea, but I think your mom would like only the cookies" gradient frowned a bit. He really wanted to throw a party... "can we make chocolate chip cookies.." he mumbled. Error smiled and nodded. Gradient cheered. "Why don't you and Lust go get some ingredients, hmm? I'll call her and she'll come and pick you up." Error said. Gradient smiled and went back to drawing. "I'm gonna make mama a get better card!" He said.

Error called Lust. Lust picked up gradient and they went shopping.


This was the usual day. Error and Gradient would come everyday. Sometimes gradient would go early with Lust. Sometimes he stayed. But Error always stayed.


\\A few days later//

•~Nightmare's POV~•

I opened my eyes to see, a hospital, so white and clean.(wow, another song reference) I tried to get up but I felt a sharp pain in my side. I wanted to scream, but just groaned. I still tried to sit up, and I felt hands hoist me up. I look to my side..and Error was there. I couldn't tell if he was happy, scared, sad. His emotions were all over the place. "Wh-what happened?.. how long was I out?" I asked. Before he could say anything, I quickly added "did I kill it." His expression immediately changed. I couldn't look since, ya' know. Stab wound in my stomach! "O-oh, umm..." he looked unsure. I panicked a bit, my breath quickened. Did I not kill it!? "W-well, the child's soul isn't in you, but.." he trailed off again. At least it isn't in me anymore. "But, I wanted to have a kid. A genetic kid, one that has traits from you and me." He said, blushing. But..we have gradient. Isn't that enough? "But what about gradient? He's still our child" I said bluntly. Error still seemed a little uneasy. "Erry, go tell gray to visit me tomorrow, okay?" I asked him. He nodded and smiled a bit. I don't want another child, at least. Not now. I need to be stronger, I've gotten soft. What happened to me? I guess love and my family. Heh, when I get out of this hell hold, I'm going to murder a bunch of people.

Actually, why not do that right now? Not like this wound is going to stop me.

I got out of bed and had a hella ton of pain killers. Hey, these are pretty good... I should stock up. I took a few bottles and got in my old clothes. Damn this hospital is so easy to break out of! There's like, no one here. I texted Error I would be home tomorrow. And he started worrying, like 'OmG ArE yOu SurE YouR Okay???' I sighed. I hated when he did this. But, it's nice he cares about me so much.

I jumped down from the window, my stomach sending jolts of pain through my body. "Fuck, not my greatest plan. I'll have to admit" I muttered to myself. I semi ran, semi limped to the forest, which just so happened to be near the hospital. How convenient. I saw Dream in the parking lot. I bet he was going to see either me, or ink got pregnant again.

Damn, they really need to stop fucking for just one day.


I walked for a while. The cold wind grazing my face. I walked and walked, till I saw it. A stone circle. "Fucking witchcraft" I mumbled. Not sure if there any witches in this forest. Meh, doesn't matter.


After a bit, I regained enough magic to teleport.

I landed in the living room of my house, aka a room in my castle. I tried to get up, but the pain killers had wore off. This time I did scream. I screamed my fucking head off. Literally, i had to put my head back on after it fell off. (That sounds so wrong when you forget they're skeletons)

Gradient ran up to me in worry. "Mama! What's wrong?.." he asked. I growled at the pain and said "get your dad." Harshly. Gradient seemed a little scared but went to go get error.


"Dada!!! Dada!!!" Gradient yelled, unsure of where his father could be. Error left his study in a grumpy mood. He slumped out of his office and gave gradient a menacing glare. "M-mama want-s y-ou.." gradient stuttered. Not really seeing this side of his father before. It was scary, yet...exciting? Anyway, Error stormed off to the Pom nightmare was in. How he found it with no direction, I have no clue. He just did.

Nightmare had stopped screaming, but the pain didn't stop. Error looked at nightmare in shock. His mood immediately changed from grumpy to worried. "Nightmare! Omg, are you okay!!" He said, running up to her and sitting in front of her so she could see him. "Error!! Read that signs!! IM AM NOT FUCKING OKAY!!" Nightmare yelled, whining at the pain soon after. "Listen, I just need some pain killers." She said more calmly, trying not to cause more pain. Error nodded and looked at the coffee table in the center of the room. He saw a bottle of pills there and quickly grabbed them. Giving a few to nightmare afterwards.


Nightmare had calmed down. She told Error she ran away from the hospital and they're probably looking for her. She said that she would need a few months to heal, the wound was deep and stitches can only go so far.

The family was watching a movie about a dog, who was looking for it's purpose(I fcking love this movie,and I will never stop). Nightmare just scoffed at how gradient and Error would cry every time the dog died. 'Fucking cry babies' she thought. Speaking of which, she needed to become cold hearted again. She only cares for her family, everyone else's life doesn't least, to her.

I wonder...

What would happen if...

It all turned upside down.


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