Marmalade cat

605 30 42

HaHa!!! Finally! Nightmare's coming out!!


The gang surrounded the sleeping couple, waiting for them to wake.

Nightmare woke up first, and wasn't really surprised. They usually did this when they wanted something.

"What" nightmare hissed. Horror stared at her, "Whats wrong with you?" Fell asked. Nightmare looked at him confused "what do you mean? There's nothing wrong with me." She said. "No, are you sick or something? Your not acting like yourself." He said. "Yeah, your acting more...feminine in a way." Horror added. But they way horror said it, wasn't offensive. "And why do you have your female ectobody summoned? Wait did you and error have-" "No!" Nightmare said quickly. She was blushing a bit at what he said. "Yeah, but that were about to yesterday." Killer mumbled. Nightmare growled at killer, he had ruined the moment. "Hehe, yeah your acting nicer then usual, and it's...concerning." Dust spoke. Nightmare felt a pit in her non-existent stomach. Would they accept her?

Thoughts swirled in nightmare's mind, bad thoughts. They kept asking her questions, if she was sick. What was wrong with her. she couldn't take it and finally yelled "I'm Trans!"

The room was silent, it felt good to get that off her chest, but it was soon replaced with tons of anxiety. "I accept you! In fact, I'm trans too...kinda-" killer spoke up. Nightmare felt a bit more happy, but was curious as what killer meant.

Soon, all the attention was on killer, which made him blush a bit. "U-uh well-" he stuttered. "There's something wrong with you too!" Fell yelled. Everyone looked back at fell like he was crazy "wait- what? There's nothing wrong with me Fell. I'm just being myself" killer giggled. Fell was still confused. "Okay, lemme explain...

When I was, well, made. Gaster did something weird with the So, I was technically a girl. Everyone knew I was a girl, but I didn't like to be a girl. I wanted to be like my brother and do 'boy things'. When Chara convinced me to do the genocide route with them, I decided I would be a male. Because apparently it's 'not lady like to kill all your friends' or something. And also I didn't like how I was before. Thankfully Chara supported me, so yea. I met color and outer, and eventually you guys. I can't really remember, it happened a long time ago." Killer said smiling. 

Everyone was stunned. Horror felt a little hurt killer never told him, but he wouldn't understand it anyway. Dust smiled at what killer said "Well that's cool, I don't really care to be honest." Dust shrugged. Nightmare sighed, at least they excepted her. "Wait what? you can't just ChanGe YouR geNder" Fell said, everyone gave him a harsh stare. "Fuck you Fell." Error mumbled, just waking up. "Hey! I come from a family of dickheads!! I'm trying okay!?" He protested. They all rolled their eyes.


The following week, everyone knew of nightmare's new pronouns, Error finally got to smash her with no interruptions, and killer beat the shit out of him after. Anyway, Fell was still transphobic, but he didn't really talk about it much. Also the fact he was away a lot.

King Multiverse was somehow convinced into giving nightmare a few au's to look after (wonder how that happened 👀), So nightmare became the 'queen' of those au's, but only the sans' knew of her reign. Perhaps a few papyrus', but that was it.

Now, the story isn't finished yet, in fact. It's far from over.

There is one event that still needs to happen.


No, you cannot kill Fell. He was born and raised that way, deal with. 

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