Bad dust, bad.

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13th part(including A/N's) WOOOOOO!!!

I wrote ya'll a lemon since 13 be my fav number 

Warnings: mentions of Self Harm and lemon 



Nightmare blushed heavily at dust's comment. "Wha!? I- NO!" She replied dust smirked and said "yeah right" a loud "ooooooo" was heard from the rest of the gang.

"Dust." Nightmare spoke.

"Go. To. Your. Room." She said harshly.

"*scoff* your not my mom!!" Dust said snarkily. Nightmare was pissed. "Dust! Your grounded!!" Nightmare yelled. Dust just rolled his eyes. "Oh, boo hoo." He teased. "That's it!" Nightmare screamed, she ain't gonna deal with his bullshit. One of nightmare's tentacles wrapped around dust's neck tightly. He chocked and clawed at the tentacle, begging to be released. "You can't go on any missions, if you do I'll send you on the worst ones. You are to be in your room for the next month. You. Are. Grounded. If you are to break these rules I will snap your neck." She spoke "got it?" She asked. Dust shook his head yes vigorously. Nightmare let him go and stormed off. Dust gasped for air. Sweet sweet air he didn't need. Horror ran up to him to make sure he was fine "you okay boo?" He asked. Dust nodded and went to his room.

Great. Another month alone.

With him

(Warning: self harm)

Dust didn't like to to admit it, but he hated being alone... even though he was never alone. He was always there. He never let Dust rest. Dust needed his friends to keep himself sane, to muffle his brothers thirst for blood. One time he was in there for 3 weeks and he came out with scars and blood dripped down on the wall. He even tried to cut himself, but that only made it worse. He would bang his head on the wall continuously until he bled. And he cut, and did anything, just for the sight of blood that would make him return to sanity. He couldn't take it, and one time tried to take his life. But it didn't work.

(Self harm part over ;) )

All the work of his bloodthirsty ghost of a brother. No, this wasn't his brother, this was his tormentor. Sent from hell to punish him. Dust curled into a ball, the silence the pitch black room started to fill with whispers.

This was going to be painful.

(Slight lemon Warning)

Error went after nightmare, she was going through some serious mood swings. He eventually found her crouched over her desk. "Sweetheart, wasn't that a little harsh." He spoke softly. Not wanting to aggravate her more. "NO! He's been so annoying lately, I just snapped!" She protested. Error sighed. "Ya' know, he was right.." error started, getting closer to nightmare. Nightmare looked back at him in confusion. "What do you mean" she asked, facing him. "I mean.." error said as he got closer. "The fact your a bottom~" he teased, lifting up nightmares chin. Nightmare blushed madly. She stuttered random things before being pulled into a deep kiss. She wrapped her arms around errors neck, and error wrapped his around her waist. error shoved his tough into nightmare's mouth, earning a pleasant moan from her. They stayed like that for a bit, Error then went down to her neck. Licking and nibbling it, covering every crack and scar. Nightmare let out groans of pleasure, tilting her head to give error more access. He nibbled a certain spot which made her moan. He smirked at this and started biting and sucking the spot. Nightmare let out more small moans. "A-ah~ E-erry~" she spoke. Error move down to her collarbone, biting on it harshly. Nightmare moaned loudly, tears pricked her eyes from the pain. Errors hands drifted up to her breasts before getting snatched by nightmare's. She pulled away and said "no. I'm not in the mood." Immediately snapping back to her sassy self. Error whined at her answer, but being the good boyfriend he is, didn't want her to do something she didn't want to do. Nightmare went back to her work, she had control over a certain section of the multiverse after bugging King Multiverse, and had to make sure everything was in order. She had an idea, and a good one too. She picked up a checklist and walked over to error "be a doll and go do these for me. Then maybe we can continue~" she cooed. Sure error probably wasn't gonna get her tonight, but hey! Opportunity waits for no one. He nodded quickly and headed out to do the tasks. She chuckled, yeah there was no way she would allow him to fuck her today. Or any day that month.

(Slight Lemon part over)

Dust sat only in his room, 1 week in and the place was already a mess. Blood stains on the walls from him banging his head. The pillows thrown off the bed and ripped apart. Blood dripping from his arms. "I don't want anymore, I don't want anymore" he would keep repeating. Out of no where he just...screamed. Screamed over and over again. Luckily someone came. Unluckily it was the person who put them in this torcher. Nightmare

•~Noot noot POV~•

I heard screaming in the halls. Error was doing my checklist, I still didn't get fucked, and everyone else are on missions. That leaves one person. Dust.

I hurried to his room and opened the door, the place was a mess. Blood stains coated the walls and the pillows were scattered across the floor in pieces. The blood that seeped from his arms was fresh, he looked at me with an insane look. I immediately hugged him. "Dust, I'm so sorry. I had no clue this is what happened." I apologized. It took him a few seconds, but eventually hugged me back. I brought him out of his room and brought him to the kitchen to eat. I knew his favorite food was ice cream sundaes, which I banned because they made everyone hyper. But I could make an exception. I brought out the ice cream, the toppings and everything. I put it all together to make an amazing sundae, and gave it to dust. He looked so...dead. His head hung low and his face was stunned. "Cmon sweetie, eat up." I said, getting his attention. He gasped at the towering sweet above him. "This is a one time only thing" I said. He immediately started eating the sundae. I wonder if he got enough food? Maybe he was starving himself. "Your un-grounded by the way" I said. He didn't seem to care, just continued to his sundae.

Now I remember why I banned them.

I headed to my room. I was finished with my work for now, so I was just reading a book. And what a book! It had a Transgender protagonist and her life with adventure and magic, and romance (😏). Actually, now in the book the protagonist was gonna get fucked by her bf.


(Warning: Lemon 🍋)

(3rd person)

Nightmare sat in her, now uncomfortable bed. She put the book down 'well that was something-' she thought. She wasn't one who liked to read such things, but hey. It adds to an interesting story;). She was about to get up, but felt something on top of her. Error. She squeaked in surprise. "Now it's time for my prize~" he teased. Nightmare squirmed underneath her. "E-error. No." She said. Error frowned then said. "But I did you checklist, now I deserve my prize!~" he said sweetly, lifting nightmare's chin. Nightmare looked away avoiding eye contact. She sighed and said. "Fine, but just this once!" Error grinned. "Thanks princess" he bopped her nose. He then kissed her deeply. Their tongues fought for dominance, nightmare losing and giving into submission. Error moved down to nightmare's neck, remembering where her sweet spot was. He immediately began to attack it. Licking and sucking on it, making nightmare moan at the pleasure. Errors hands drifted down to her body, tracing her curves, which made nightmare purr. He un-did her shirt, revealing her breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra, since she thought they were uncomfortable. Error moved away from her neck and started playing with her breast. Nightmare felt herself get wet, as error felt felt the bulge in his pants grow. They we're gonna get to the baby making but-

(Lemon part over)

"Hey nightmare- OH MY GOD" killer screamed, covering his eyes. "MAMA NOOOOO" he screamed again. Nightmare and error looked over at killer, both a blushing mess. Nightmare quickly got her shirt on. Killer was traumatized. "*cough* O-oh! killer! W-what are you doing here..." Error stuttered nervously, "haven't you heard of knocking!!" Nightmare growled. Killer glared at Error. "I'm watching you..." he mumbled. "Oh, and dust and horror are out so I was wondering it I could go with outer." He continued, Killer felt a bit of blush on his face. "Just go, you ruined the mood" Error growled, clearly annoyed. Killer shuffled out of the room.

"Cmon, I know some good movies we can watch" nightmare said, getting up. Error whimpered, but hey, better then nothing. They went down to the couch, nightmare brought some left over ice cream from the sundae. They cuddled up and turned on the movie.


Sorry this took so long 😞. I've not been doing very well with school so-


This was first time writing a lemon so sorry it sucked. 

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