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Nightmare: bold
Error: italics
Everyone else: Normal text.

•~Killer POV~• (bet cha didn't expect that, huh.)
I woke up around 10am. I changed out of my PJ's to my normal attire, a blue jacket with a white t-shirt and some basketball shorts. I went over to my bunnies and fretted them. "Good morning Jamie, Gerald, and you to Sir snuggle bottoms!" They perked up at the sound of my voice, and ran the edge of the cage. I picked them up and brought them out so they could eat their food and exercise. But, Gerald was acting weird... he didn't seem very hungry, and didn't want to exercise. I put Jamie and Sir snuggle bottoms in a bigger cage with a bunch of ramps and stuff so the could exercise. I placed Gerald down in my bed, I knew he wasn't going to run away. He's my first bunny and I know he loves me. Anyway, I got a message kit and started to give Gerald a check up. I couldn't find anything wrong with him from the exterior. I assumed he was sick so I gave him some medicine and put him back in his cage to rest. I put Jamie and Sir snuggles in a small outside area I marked, for them to play. Before heading out I kissed Geralds fur atop his head and said "feel better bud" I really cared about my bunnies. They're the things that keep me sane. I closed the door behind me and headed downstairs. Horror and dust were being idiots, and cross was just chillin' I looked around, trying to find Nightmare or error. Maybe they were still sleeping? I headed to the kitchen, someone already made pancakes, my guess is it was Nightmare. Yeah, somethings happened. He n e v e r gives us pancakes unless somethings happening. I heard error come downstairs and rushed over to him, tackling him into a hug. "Good morning killer" "morning Error!" I greeted back. Horror yelled something and someone threw...something and it made a big crack noise. It was...oddly satisfying. Like cracking your knuckles, or when you crack- oh shit. "Dust!" I screamed, and I ran over to the room. I was horrified by what I saw. They were both banged up pretty good, but horror was against the wall, the crack in his skull was larger. Almost covered half his head. I ran over to him and held his head up, he passed out so he didn't notice anything. Luckily, the wound was still fresh, so I could heal it. I ran upstairs and grabbed a med kit, and dashed downstairs to horror. Horror wasn't dusting yet, good. Cross took care of dust while I started to clean horrors wound. I didn't know healing magic, only Error and Nightmare knew since they were basically gods. Nightmare sat beside me and looked shocked. "What happened..?" He asked. "Horror and dust fought again. I think they took it too far." Error was helping cross with dust and nightmare started healing horror. He wasn't fully healed, but there wasn't much more we could do other than let him rest. I bangeded up the cuts and scrapes, and we put him to bed. Dust was lying on the couch, he was semi-awake so we just had him sit there. Plus, he wasn't as hurt as horror was. I stood in front of him, giving him a death glare "what happened." I said coldly dust looked up at me, a little scared. I almost never screamed, or got this mad. "I-well." He stuttered. He then looked down at the couch and said "it's just, we talked about touchy subjects." I expression didn't change. "That's still no excuse!" I yell, dust looked at me shocked, I was gonna punch him but I felt something pull me away. I looked back trying to break free of my restrains. Nightmare flared at me and shook his head, indicating I shouldn't attack. This was unusual behavior, yes. But I just growled and stopped resisting. "Killer, heal dust and send him and horror into my office at 4." Nightmare said, letting me go. I dropped to the floor with a loud *thump* "you got it boss" I growled, rubbing my head. Glaring at Duet again, he smirked in triumph. Then Nightmare said "Don't think you're off the hook dust." His face then turned into a scowl full of defeat. I let out a small chuckle at his reaction.
•\\Time skip//•
•~Nightmare's POV~•
I was spinning around in my chair, it's kinda what I do 90% of the time. I mean, do you know how much fun those things are?!? I pushed myself off the desk causing my to spin at, what I thought, was the speed of light. I then heard a knock on the door. My feet fell to the ground, causing my chair to stop. But I still felt dizzy. Darn physics. "C-come in" I said, trying to remember which was is up. The door opened with two beat up skeletons entering. They took a seat on the two chairs I had placed in-front of my desk. I did the evil finger thing, where you lightly tap each of your fingers together going from pinky to thumb. Rotating in my chair slightly using my feet on the table as an axis. The sound of my phalanges (I had to search up how to spell it) hitting each other echoed through the room. I could feel the tension rise, both were extremely scared at what might happen. I wouldn't normally do this, but this fight is the worst one yet. "Why do I keep you on the team" I asked them in a cold tone. I didn't bother to make eye contact with them. They were terrified I might kick them off the team, I could feel it. "I- uhh" Dust started. Horror then interrupted with a "please boss! Don't kick us out! This'll never happen again. I swear!" He pleaded. I let out a sigh and said "I'm not going to kick you out." Both of them looked relived at my answer. "But... if you two keep fighting I might have to, I cannot allow it to happen again. You could've dusted! And we can't afford to lose you." I said, this time making eye contact. They both nodded quickly, making sure I knew they didn't want to leave. "Now.
What. Happened."
I asked harshly, I needed to find out what was going with these two. "Umm well we were fighting and...."
•~No one's POV~•
Horror and dust we're fighting. Again. But this time, it was different. "Oh yea!? Maybe that's why no one likes you! Your just a disgusting cannibal!" Dust yelled out, he didn't even realize what he had said. Horror looked at him in shock, then in anger "well you never had to survive and feed your brother! Heck, you killed your brother! He hates you for it, everyone does! Your just a dirty murderer with no feelings." Horror protested. Then he stopped and looked up, dust was whispering to someone. "He's right, I hate you. You ruin everything!" A voice said. Horror was confused when dust answered it saying "b-but you said.." "I. LIED!" Get that in your head!" The voice screamed. Dust was confused, scared. The hooded skeleton started to hyperventilate. Horror inches closer and said "D-dust? Are you okay? Was it yo-" he said, trying to comfort dust. "No! Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!" Dust yelled at Horror. Horror was offended, he was just trying to help! "I'm sorry if I'm trying to help! It's not my fault your paps is dead!" He yelled back. Dust snapped, summoned a Gaster blaster above his head, and before Horror could say anything.

There was a bright light, then blood. Even dust was beat up by the amount of power it had. "Dust!" Killer screamed. Dust immediately looked at Killer in shock, realizing what he had done.

*{end of flashback}*

•~Nightmare's POV~•
"And that's what happened..." Dust finished. I looked at him with a confused face and said "Dust, I sense emotion, not read minds." He looked at me with a awkward face. I face palmed and looked at him. "Now, what happened." I asked again. "I-i brought up his papyrus" horror said quietly. My face looked worried as I sighed "okay, but please think about what you say before you speak" I said. They both nodded again. "Okay, you can go now, and please go and rest" I begged, sending them off. Once I heard the door close. I took out a Diary and immediately started writhing everything down.
I can tell them why I wore a dress later, the task right now is to fix this problem.
A/n: Sorry it's so short! I've been having trouble coming up with ideas, if you have any please tell me. I have some serious writers block rn, and I love this book too much to stop writing it, I have a storyline, I just need a small scene to squeeze in.
Bye loves!

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