Chapter 1

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Note-I don't own any of the characters- they belong to their respective creators.

Olivia Martha Wayne, alias Marinette Dupain-Cheng, was having a decent Tuesday.

The keyword here being was.

Let's quickly rewind, shall we?

Liv managed to get up on time because Hawkmoth decided to be a decent human being and not send any middle of the night Akumas, patrol was relatively easy and she got a full 8 hours of sleep.

8 goddamn hours.

She felt great.

She got ready and made sexy poses to herself in the mirror for fifteen minutes straight before having breakfast and heading out to school. 

Ignoring all the jabs and glares from her former friends, she once again thanked whatever god it was who made her realise her friends were fake before she spilled any major secrets.

And then came the dreaded announcement from Mme. Bustier. The one we've all been waiting for.

"Alright, class! Listen up please, I have an announcement! We'll be going to Gotham this year for our annual field trip. Well be leaving in a week, so I suggest you start packing as soon as possible. The school has already contacted your parents, and most of them have agreed, provided you all learn basic English. In light of that, you all will be perfecting your English for the rest of the week. In lieu of the fact that Gotham may not be the safest place, necessary precautions have been taken. Rest assured, as long as everyone follows instructions, we will be perfectly safe. Any questions?"

We now skip to Liv freaking out.  

"Uh, Madame?"


"Um, how long will we be staying?"

"About 4 weeks. We'll be touring with the Waynes and staying at their hotel. Any more questions? Non? D'accord. Class dismissed! All of you may now head toward your English class."

"Merci beaucoup Madame! Au revoir!"

"Marinette, Are you alright? You look concerningly pale."

 "Oui. I skipped breakfast this morning. I'll make sure to eat soon, though."

"Hm. Okay. Well, run along now! Don't be late!"


**In English class** 

 "Alright class! Test booklets have been placed in front of you all. I need you to recall all the lessons in you've learnt in English so far and fill in the papers. You have 30 minutes, and your time starts.....Now!" 

20 minutes later 

"Sir? I'm done!" Liv called out.

"Okay, Ms Cheng. You may set the paper down on my table and go back to your seat." 

5 minutes later...  

"Ms Cheng? You have quite well! Keep up the good work. And Ms Rossi, I would like to see you after class, please."


484 words- not too bad for a beginner, don't you think?

For those who don't know the French part- 


~Oui- yes

~ Non-no

~D'accord- okay

~Merci beaucoup- thanks a lot

~Au revoir- goodbye till we see each other again

*Me taking French class for three years and pretending like I'm a genius*

**Edited 25th February 2023**

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