another idea. Blame my brain. I can come up with stories but not cool usernames.

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okay imagine this- Marinette, Alix and Chloe decide to go to some random place. Chloe wanted to try to get there and Mari said, "be careful Chlo. You might get us somewhere other than *insert some cool hangout in the woods*" Chloe snorted "please, where? the Batcave? Kaalki, full gallop!"

Marinette looked around "SERIOUSLY?!-" "who are you and what are you doing here?" a random gruff voice (batman) asked. Marinette gave him an unimpressed look. "what the HELL do you think you're wearing?" cue Marinette chewing the Batfam out while Chloe and Alix are laughing. Turns out Bruce and Mari are related. They find out later.

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