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~Somewhere at the mall~

Adrien: what do you wanna do first?

Marinette: I'm just tagging along!

Adrien: okay then I want... food

Marinette: huh? We just had breakfast..

Adrien: yeah but now I want a burrito..

Marinette: okay you da boss

Adrien: [Mmhh theoretical if her and her boyfriend were in this exact scenario he could do something... rather embarrassing.. tho it would potentially be something platonic the I could do that would be f-fun.. er funny!]

~burrito place~

Adrien: two burritos please!

Marinette: hey I thought I said you couldn't get me anything!

Adrien: who said it's for you *gets burritos and hands one to her* here you go.

Marinette: thanks. *about to take a bite* oh. Hey!!

Adrien: hehehe!

Marinette: hey no. Take it back!

Adrien: eww no you already had your mouth near it!

Marinette: so what! I'm clean I've had all my shots!!

Adrien: pff!! What are you a house pet or something?!!! Hehehe!!! You should be careful with what you say around guys tho Marinette.. there are some sickos.. who are into that kinda thing.. you know colars and what not.. *slightly thrusting at the air*

Marinette: just take you burrito back!!

Adrien: It's not MY burrito anymore Marinette!

Marinette: *eats it subconsciously after walking around for like five minutes*

Adrien: And now I wanna see if I can get a belt here..

Marinette: Okay.

~pants place with belts~

Adrien: *walks into the dressing room alone with three different belts*

Marinette: *patiently waiting outside the dressing room grateful she gets to listen to the the belts being put on and the sound of him touching his shirt-*

Adrien: are you coming in?

Marinette: y-yeahh.. *walks in covering her eyes*

Adrien: *soft tone* you know, I'm not getting you can uncover your eyes..

*BLUSH* [n-NakEd~]
*uncovers eyes*

Adrien: *starts taking off his belt*

Marinette: [this is so awkward.. what do I do]

Adrien: you.. knoww.. this is only awkward if you make it awkward..

Marinette: yeah sorry!

Adrien: it's okay..

Marinette: sooo I heard they're making a ultimate mecha strike four.

Adrien: yeah? *eye contact while taking off belt*
*looks away*

Marinette: yeah but it's coming out October.. so it's a long wait but I'm excited anyway..

Adrien: I could try to get the game about a couple weeks before it comes out if you want..

Marinette: won't that be expensive?

Adrien: about 15,000$ but whose counting hehe..

Marinette: Do you just through around your money or something?

Adrien: I'm actually really conservative. I just like being able to spend it on someone...

Marinette: ...

Adrien: Platonically! Anyway, how does this belt look on me?

Marinette: *stares at his no-no square* Nice.. you look good... I mean.. IT!!! IT LOOKS WONDERFUL ON YOU ADRIEN! Hehehe!!

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