Adrien: *Blushing* OKAY NOW THATS A SECRET! DON'T TELL ANYONE I SAID THAT!!Marinette: Adrien.. Can I tell YOU a secret?
Adrien: yeah..
Marinette: I want to kiss someone too...
Adrien: you do?
Marinette: yeah...
Adrien: Who do you-
Sabine: snacks anyone?
Marinette: thanks!
*pauses I pad then collects platter of snacks*Sabine: Oh Adrien you have a situation.
Adrien: *Swiftly covers his nono square with a blanket*
Marinette: *Shoves his shoulder* Adrien grooossss!
Adrien: I'M SORRRRYYY!!!
Sabine: It's okay Marinette, you most likely didn't do anything. Sometimes it just goes off.
Adrienette: [you're how many years, and you still beleive this?]
Sabine: Kay bye *Leaves*
Marinette: Adrien you want any snacks?
Adrien: MMhh~ hmm thank you!
Marinette: *sets plate behind the I pad on the bed, and presses play*
Adrien: umm.. Remember when you thought I was a-
Marinette: oh hold on I gotta use the bathroom...
Oh while I'm there I'll put on PJs!Adrien: uh okay..
Marinette: *goes to the bathroom after grabbing a tank top and sweat pants*
Adrien: why'd she take her pictures of me down..
Plagg: because your here..
Adrien: why would that matter?
Plagg: you should have made
Your move when you had the chance now she doesn't care you exist..Adrien: I'm not trying to make any move Plagg..
Plagg: you sure cause you were talking about making out with your friend
Adrien: we were just talking-
Plagg: uh oh, you don't think she got the wrong idea...
Adrien: I don't-
Plagg: *hides*
Marinette: *opens the hatch door* okay I'm back!
Adrien: oh finally lol, I wanted to ask if you want the last-
Marinette: ...hhm?
Adrien: the- Uh.. I like your shirt..
Marinette: oh really? thanks, I made it myself!
Adrien: I could tell, you have your little flower design on your- Uuhh!
Marinette: oh right what'd you wanna ask me before I left?
Adrien: oh uh.. I don't remember!
Marinette: okay then..
Adrien: do you wanna finish the movie?
Marinette: yeah I'm not scared!
Adrien: suuure.. *smirk*
Marinette: REALLY!!
Adrien: uh-huh..
~Ten minutes later~
WHAT THE %#&$!!
*clings to Adrien's arm*Adrien: *giggles a lot*
Marinette: *squeezes her chest on his arm* mmhh!
Adrien: h-hey wait!
*stares alot*Marinette: squeek!!
*holds his arm tighter*Adrien: h-hey..
*Pauses movie*I-It's fine see nothing to be afraid of!!
Marinette: ...
Adrien: look we'll put on another movie. here, it's a comedy!
Marinette: *looks at the I pad but continues to hold his arm*
Adrien: alright! Let go Let go Let go!!
Marinette: *lets go*
Adrien: *notices a lot of Marinette chest*
Marinette: I'm sorry I AM really scared I shouldn't have said I wasn't..
Adrien: *tries to look away*
Marinette: what's wrong?
Adrien: nothing.. It's just uhh
Your shirt.. Uh it's a little down...Marinette: OH SHOOT! *pulls up her tank top*
Y-you didn't see anything?
..did you?Adrien: you mean your- No..
Marinette: g-good..
Adrien: mmmm hhmm!
~Two hours later~
Adrien: *yawn!* what time do you think it is?
Marinette: I don't know *yawn*
Adrien: *pulls out phone*
1:28..Marinette: really?
Adrien: yeah..
Marinette: well you can't go home at this hour you have to *yawn* stay here...
Adrien: did you forget I'm staying over for like three months princess?
Marinette: ew don't call me that that's what smelly chat noir calls me..
Adrien: [she's like half asleep...] Aww you don't like Chat noir?
Marinette: He'd be okay if he wasn't such a player...
Adrien: Does he flirt with you?
Marinette: He has before. Even though he likes ladybug.
Adrien: I mean what's not to like about ladybug
Marinette: you like Ladybug?
Adrien: Everyone likes Ladybug!
Marinette: okay good night.. *cuddles her chest against his leg*

Adrien's vacation
FanfictionAdrien lives with Marinette for the summer. It's one of those. FLUFF,SPICE PG13ish.