Friends turn friends on

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(⚠️Pg 16⚠️)

Marinette and Adrien are walking to a store In the mall.

Adrien: So are you gonna give me a fashion show when we get back... *looking up and zoning out a little*

Marinette: um sure.. wait what kind-

Adrien: oh do you know about this one store they just built?

Marinette: huh? No? Wait  the s*x store?

Adrien: yeah!!! You wanna see what they have?

Marinette: what- um isn't that kinda stuff-

Adrien: expensive?

Marinette: um-

Adrien: do you wanna go?

Marinette: isn't that kinda awkward?

Adrien: I just wanna see what they have...I'm not PLANNING on buying anything...

Marinette: okay...

Adrien: wait are you sure? We don't have to go if you don't want... I don't want you to see something you're not comfortable with...

Marinette: no- it's fine... um... you're not gonna get like a.. p*** mag-

Adrien: no.. it's um.. it's for um... how do I explain this in a platonic manner.. it's for like hand cuffs- and um dom- um really pretty pervy- it's-

Marinette: why do you wanna go?

Adrien: im just curious *guilty eyes*

Marinette: ok.. yeah we can-

Adrien: I'm sorry.. I wouldn't ask- if I could... um I don't want Nathalie to come with me.. or the Gorilla... god forbid my father finds out...

Marinette: no I know- I understand... but it's just.. you don't find that awkward with me?

Adrien: Ehh... it's on and off

Plagg in his pocket: [what's that supposed to mean...]

Marinette: right... [???]

Adrien: *walks into the store and grabs her hand to get her to trail behind*

Marinette: Adrien? *stares at his hand straddling hers*

Adrien: sorry... I'm just.. I don't want anyone to come up you or- SAFTY

Marinette: ye...

Adrien: ooo!! *picks up a v*br*ter *

Marinette: *blushes and looks down*

Adrien: woah look.. this one makes moaning sound while it buzzes...

Marinette: c-0ol..

Adrien: woah!! *drags her to the other side of the store* can I get that??

Marinette: what?

Adrien: it just looks like it'd be f-fun..

Marinette: what is it?

Adrien: its um... it's a shock collar..

Marinette: isn't that for like.., dogs?

Adrien: heh.. no

Marinette: you wanna be a dog?

Adrien: yeah.. um NO!! I'm not- I just wanna try it.. I wanna try like everything *gases up*

Marinette: *red as h*ck*

Adrien: can I get it.. please mommy- MARI- SORRY! Um I don't know why I- I DONT SEE YOU LIKE THAT

Marinette: okay.. daddy

Adrien: ah~ *covers his mouth* I'm sorry I don't- I've never done anything at all ever!! Im sensitive as f***

Marinette: yeah well I was just joking..

Adrien: Ik Ik!! Can I get the thing tho?

Marinette: can you keep looking?

Adrien: um.. okay...

Marinette: okay...

Adrien: do you... um.. I'll buy you something if you.. want..

Marinette: really?

Adrien: oh? Did you have something in m-

*a guy their age looks a Marinette up and down stepping a bit closer*

Marinette: no I ju-

Adrien: *puts her hands on his waist* Babe let's get a shock collar!!!please?!

Marinette: you like pain?

Adrien: when you do-

*the guy walks away dejected*

Adrien: there was a guy checking you out.. sorry

Marinette: oh! Is he gone?

Adrien: yeah

Marinette: *takes her hands off of him*

Adrien: wait he's coming back *puts her hands on his thighs* ah~ mhhh~ sorry that's a little low... 

Marinette: wait- why are you moaning?

Adrien: I don't know!!! I don't like you like that... I'm just really h**ny rn sorry...

Marinette: oh...

Adrien: you're still touching me!!!

Marinette: *gets just a bit higher touching his pelvis*

Adrien: Marinette... that's... that feels really good...

Marinette: *removes hands for a split second before he grabs them and puts them back where they were*

Adrien: no... i mean- sorry.. you can move your hands if you want..

Marinette: um but do you like it?

Adrien: I don't...not like it *looks away*

Marinette: *rubbs his inner thighs*

Adrien: mhhh.. hmm~ more more... pls I really... I really like that!!!

Marinette: Adrien you gotta be quiet... you don't wanna let anyone see do you?

Adrien: Marinette... can I get a gag? Pls?? I really want one!! Sorry I don't know what just got into me...

Marinette: *strokes his thighs faster* can we do this? Like just as friends?

Adrien: as- as- as friends? Can we- Ahh~ YEAH... YES!!! Yes we can do that! As friends...

Marinette: yeah? *subtly grazes his bulge*

Adrien: MARINETTE!!  Mari- ah~

Marinette: lol are you okay?

Adrien: yeah just... I'm gonna buy a couple things...

*they exit the mall about ten minutes after his purchase. When they arrive at Marinette's room, Adrien instantly throws himself on her bed and puts the gag in his mouth*

Adrien: [im actually gonna get laid!!! And the way I want too- well it's with Marinette but it's still pretty great.. even if I don't think of her like that]

Marinette: my parents aren't home it's okay... oh *looks up at him undressing himself*
Oh... stop at the boxers okay?

Adrien: *heavy breathing*

Marinette: good boy...

Adrien: *heavier breathing*

Marinette: *climbs up and sits next to him*
It's kinda...

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