Adrien's totally jealous (jk lol)

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Marinette: I appreciate.. the gifts..but-

Adrien: You're very welcome Marinette!

Marinette: Yeah but.. I don't want you to think im just using you for money..

Adrien: *Smiles* Marinette.. I wouldn't care if you used me for money 

Marinette: What? Okay but I still don't want you to think you're gonna be like my um..

Adrien: Your what Marinette?

Marinette: I don't want you to think you're like my sugar...Daddy.

Adrien: um..oh....Yeah but I'm not trying to be..I'm not planning on getting anywere.. with you like thaaattt...

Marinette: Yeah yeah i know i mean.. I MEant um like a sugar daddy.. buut liek in a friend kinda way you know what i mean?

Adrien: [she did not mean that] Oh yeah totally! but I just like being friends with you I'm not- OR UM I KNOW YOU wouldn't do that even if I am fine with it! Using me for MONEY NOT S-

*at the same time*

Marinette: I know! iknow inlnwiwnlwnfnjdsabfduasbgdjbagk

Adrien: okokookokkokookkokkokokooookkok ok

Marinette: but um so yeah we can go get natchos!!!

Adrien: YEAH!! [i don't even wanna kiss tho like..]

Marinette: do you think they have jalapenos?

Adrien: Yeah yeah they do

Marinette: Nice I love spicy food

Adrien: O-oh yeah?? [why'd Alya have to tell me that's a sign someone's a maso-]

Marinette: OH!!  Adrien! I glanced sorry! 

Adrien: huh? *looks down* Oh that's nothing that happens to guys sometimes nothing triggered it i swear! *tugs his shirt down* [SHhshshi*t Sh*t Sh*t!!!]

Marinette: oH! YEah! I knOw! I wasn't lIKe DisGUsted by it.. tho don't worry!!

Adrien: huh?


Adrien: oh yay!

*buys nachos and continues walking*

Adrien: Wow these are the best nachos I've ever had!

Marinette: yeah very salty yum! 

Adrien: um yeahh.. thats a thing to say..

Marinette: yeah and they put pickles in them 

Adrien: you ...LIKE ....pickles?

Marinette: OH YEAH! 

Adrien: YEAH?~ 

Marinette: uh yeah..

Adrien: what..uh what color do you like them?

Marinette: um green..

Adrien: what about yellow? like blonde

Marinette: WOAH ADRIEN?

Adrien: lol its a joke! sorry you were saying STUFF I thought- sorry did i make you uncomfortable? 

Marinette: no im good..

Adrien: cool [wait what if i wasn't joking.. NAh! we're just great friends.]

Marinette: but if im being honest i actually do like, LIKE NOT THE PICKLE BUT you know, I'm kind of into blondes..

Adrien: Well yeah chat noir..

Marinette: how'd YOU?

Adrien: OH UM!! chat noir, he told me

Marinette: HE DID WHAT?

Adrien: anyway, are you still into him?

Marinette: ew no!

Adrien: ok cool [why "ew"?] 

Marinette: [wait is he jealous of chat noir?]

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