You know, Teen stuff

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Another doodle of my Y/N and Miles to compensate for literally disappearing off the face of the earth

During your next study session, you and Miles had decided to try the library again. This time, when you arrived, Miles was there waiting for you at the entrance, sitting on the worn, stone stairs, chewing on the straw of his starbucks cup and messing with his phone. He had his headphones on, nodding along to whatever it was he was listening to.

"Morales," You called, now standing in front of him, hugging your jacket closer,  trying to shield yourself from the chilly autumn air.

"Morales." You said again.


That caught his attention. He looked up at you from his phone, releasing the straw from his mouth and giving you a bright grin.

"Hey! (Y/n)!"

He hopped up from his seat, pushing his headphones down to hang around his neck.

"Were you waiting long? Sorry, it took me a while to find a thick enough sweater."

"It's OK," he said with a little chuckle. "I've only been sitting hear for a little while, so I guess we're even?"

"Not really..." you replied, smirking at his enthusiam.

He pouted, and you laughed. Then the two of you made your way into the library, taking your seats on the top floor, on a table near a window so you would be able to keep track of time.

"So... I don't really need any help on anything. So I don't know, maybe we could just sit here and ... talk, I guess?" He suggested, drumming his pencil onto the wooden table.

You looked up from your phone, having been looking for any assignments due soon. Luckily enough for you, your teachers had decided to go easy on the homework over the weekend. You locked your phone and looked up at Miles,

"Let's go get a coffee."

"Oh-Uh...sure! Sure." He said, packing his things back into his backpack.

The two of you made your way out of the library, waving at the elderly lady at the front desk, who adjusted her glasses and gave you both a wide smile, and began walking down the street, towards the same Cafe you always went, Foam Party.

It had taken you a bit, but you were starting to warm up to Miles. He had his moments, like when he drummed his pens against his desk in ELA, or the way he thought you didn't notice how he stared at you when the two of you studied together, but nonetheless, he was growing on you.

Maybe it was the exaggerated hand gestures he made when he talked, the same ones he was doing now, (though, to be fair, you weren't really listening, you just liked his voice), or the freckles that covered his face like the chocolate chips on those cookies he liked so much. It might have also been the way he tried to hide his laughter when you pointed out that Mr. Smith sort of looked like a thumb, only to burst out in giggles and damn near choking on his own spit.

Nonetheless, no matter how hard you could ever think of denying it, he was growing on you. And you were starting to like it.

"Hey, (y/n)? Are you listening?"

"Oh... Yeah, no, sorry. I just sort of zoned out. Can you say that again?"

"I was saying how my mom makes the absolute best sancocho. It's so good! She puts these little buñuelos in it that just soak up the broth and just- mmm! Literally the best thing on Earth!"

"I would kill for some right about now...I kinda skipped out on breakfast to meet you here on time." You replied.

"I guess I'll just have to bring you by sometime, then." he says, flashing you a bright grin, the dimples in his cheeks accenting just how cute he truly was. 

The two of you finally made it to a random coffee shop nearby, where you quickly ordered your drinks, and once they arrived, dumped your things on a table near the back. 

"So, (Y/n), what do you do when you're not studying or being a nerd or whatever?"

"Wow, Morales.  am not a nerd. It just so happens that I actually enjoy some of the topics that are taught to me."

"So you're a nerd?"


The two of you contnued the surprisingly friendly banter, Miles cracking a lot more jokes than you thought he would. You smiled, listening to him talk about his most recent Creative Development assingment; a two point perspective sketch of a city. He rambled on and on about how difficult he thought it was gonna be, pulling his sketchbook from his bag and showing you some concepts he had thought of, bright smile still etched on his face at seeing you so interested in his art. 

"Hey, you never really answered my question." he commented, scratching at one of the stickers on his sketchbook. 

"What do you mean?"

"What do  you do when you're not studying? If it's really none of m business, I'll back off or whatever, I guess its just kinda weird because the only time I don't  see you studying, is when you're eating lunch."

"Oh, uhm," you thought for a while, twirling your straw around. He was right, all you ever really did was study. To be honest it was sort of exhausting, but you weren't going to let your scholarship to Visions Academy go to waste. 

"I guess I don't really do much, other than listen to music, of course. But everyone does that." 

"Really? Nothing?" 

"Yeah," you replied trying to laugh off the insane look he was giving you. "All I really do when classes are over is homework, eat, and sleep. And If I don't have homework, I'll study in case one of the teachers decides to give a pop quiz." 

"That sounds exhausting." he replied, his golden brown eyes wide with disbelief.

"I guess you're right." 

There was a couple beats of awkward silence at the realization that you were a hermit. 

"We could hang out, if you'd like."


Miles strirred his iced coffee absentmindedly, staring down at the sketchbook on the teable in front of him.

"You know, like we do when you tutor me. Just go places. Do stuff. I think it'll be fun" 

He finally met your gaze, those golden brown eyes of his staring into your soul. If you didn't know any better, you would think he was trying to give you puppy dog eyes. By now, the sun was high in the sky; its golden yellow rays hitting the side of his face just right, almost like God himself wanted you to say yes.

"Sure... that'd be nice, I think. Erin's always trying to drag me along to go shopping with her, so maybe somethinng other than a textbook will do me some good."

With that, another grin broke into his face, almost lighting up the whole cafe. He began his rambles once more, talking about all the potential places the two of you could go. The park. The movies. Roller-Skating. 

You could get used to having him around like this. 


Oh fuck its literally October 

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