Coffee ... Date?

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A/N:  Words marked with an asterisk will have translations at the bottom of the chapter! Also, here's a doodle of Miles and my interpretation of the reader. (Don't worry, I'll make sure to have the reader's appearance as open to interpretation as possible lol, this is just what I think the reader would look like)

After classes ended, you headed up to your dorm to get ready. Once you arrived, you changed out of your uniform and put up your hair, too tired from the last eight hours of constant studying to actually fix it. You sprayed on some perfume and packed your bag with your laptop and your English notebook. Finally, you grabbed your phone and keys and headed towards the school entrance.

There, you saw Miles leaning against the main entrance, scrolling through his phone. Other students lingered, either chatting or most likely waiting for others seeing as curfew wasn't for another four hours. The sun was still high in the sky from what could see as you approached him.

"Hey," you said, waving with one hand and clutching your bag strap with the other.


"Let's go, I want to have enough time to go over the new vocab words Mrs. Callero assigned yesterday. Oh, and to review for the test on Friday."

Miles watched as you took the first steps out of the school then stopped to look back at him.

"Well? It's not like I know where I'm going." You called back at him. Miles instantly snapped back into reality and followed after you, making sure to keep pace with your quick strides.

The two of you walked down the sidewalk side by side, an awkward silence lingering between you. You tried your hardest to keep your eyes ahead of you and not to look in Miles's direction, which proved to be difficult, seeing as you could feel his glance on the side of your face. On the other hand, Miles was trying to figure out something to say to you. the poor boy wasn't used to silence, always either listening to music or having to listen to his mother chismeando* with her friends. He turned to you and took a deep breath.

"So, I've been meaning to ask you, where are you from?" you asked, finally breaking the silence. That was all you could think to ask. The silence just made you too uncomfortable.

He hadn't expected you to want to make small talk with him, but at least now, he wouldn't be making a fool of himself.

"Oh! Um, I'm mixed. Half Black, half Puerto Rican. What about you?"

"I'm (nationality). Nothing special." You replied, your eyes glued to the sidewalk.

The awkward silence was relieved when the two of you found yourselves at the poorly named 'FoamParty'. The two of you entered and found an empty table near the back.

The cafe, despite looking generic on the outside was cozy. There weren't too many people around, meaning the two of you would be able to focus. the smell of freshly brewed espresso was all that it took to put you in the work mood. You pulled out your laptop and placed it on the table, immediately pulling up the online textbook. Miles did the same, instead, pulling the hardcover out of his backpack, along with his binder.

"Should we order anything?" He asked, clicking his mechanical pencil.

"Maybe," You dug through your bag for your wallet. Once you found it you stood from your chair, " What do you wanna get? I'll be getting a macchiato, I think. "

"Why don't we make it my treat? You're already tutoring me, can't have you buying me stuff too." Miles got up as well, digging through his pocket and pulling out a couple of bills.

" Fine, but I'm paying you back."

" You're not." he countered, a playful smile gracing his features.

You rolled your eyes sarcastically, " Whatever. Just order me a macchiato. Caramel."

Miles went up to the counter to order and you turned back to your laptop. You smiled to yourself. The awkwardness that had been so dense between the two of you had suddenly vanished, leaving you with a comfy feeling.

Wasn't he just stumbling over his words a few minutes ago? you thought

Maybe this study session wouldn't be that much of a hassle. If the awkwardness between both of you stayed at a minimum, maybe you would be able to tap into physics. You looked over at his binder, which lay closed on the wooden table. It had seemingly custom stickers on it. It was one of those 'My name is:' stickers, but instead of regular writing, it was his name spelled out in graffiti-like lettering, colored on with bright yellow. You noticed another sticker on the cover. It was smaller than the first, but still looked really well made; a Spiderman mask, but instead of the traditional red, it was black and red, like the new Spiderman's suit.

"Okay, here," Miles said, breaking you from your thoughts. He placed a cold, caramel drink in front of you and then took his seat.

"What'd you order?"

"Oh! Um, a Cafe con Leche*. Why? you wanna try?" he asked nonchalantly, taking a sip from a white mug.

" No. "

It took Miles a second to realize the implications of what he had just said.

"Oh-OH! No, I- I didn't mean it in that way! I just-"

"It's fine Morales." You said, lightening the mood with a little chuckle.

You washed the embarrassment off with a sip from your drink and turned back to your laptop.

"Let's just get this over with."


"Wait, so you're suppose to multiply the first probability by the second? I feel so dumb."

Somehow, your Language Arts study session had turned into Miles giving you a review on Algebra. To be fair, the two of you had finished reviewing nearly and hour ago.

"Yeah. I think you're finally starting to get the hang of it." Miles said, taking a bite of his blueberry muffin.

"Pshh, remember tough guy, we came here so I could tutor you, not so you could criticize my understanding of conditional probability."

Miles rolled his eyes and swallowed down his muffin.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He said smiling down at the worksheet.

Your eyes lingered on his smile. You'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't think he was even mildly attractive. But there was just something about the way he smiled that made that feeling so much more unbearable.

You quickly snapped out of your thoughts and took a look out of the window next to you. The sky was slowly fading into yellow, sunlight reflecting off of the few clouds that littered the sky.

"Hey, I think we should start heading back." You said, finally looking away from the window and shutting down your laptop.

"Yeah, I guess so."

After returning Miles's mug to the barista and throwing away your garbage, the two of you made your way back to the school, having to sprint halfway through in order to get there before they locked the doors.

[Of course Miles had another way of getting to his dorm, but you didn't know that.]


The two of you stood in front of your door, neither really wanting to say goodnight.

"So... I had fun." Miles began, looking down at his shoes.

"Ye-Yeah, me too."

"I should probably head to my dorm now..."

"Yeah, okay. I should head in too. Oh, um, goodnight Morales."

"'Night (Y/n)."

*cafe con leche = Idk how they do it in other countries but in the Dominican Republic, its hot black coffee with milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, and brown sugar,,, sometimes they add a chunk of abuelitas brand chocolate

A/N: plz don't murder me for updating do late lolol

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