Chapter 3

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Theo's POV
I was getting back from my last class wich was Transfiguration.I went straight to my dorm wich I had a private room wich is very cool since I don't like people very much.
I was nervous not gonna lie..She makes me nervous.

GOD Theo stop!You are MATTHEO RIDDLE
Ahh feelings they are weird.
But tonight I wanna get to know her.She looks so beautiful but deep inside I know there is so much more and i will ask her.Hopefully she replies .
It's 4 I am gonna take a nap I don't do homework and the professors don't mind .
I was done with my homework now I will have to choose what to wear.It's not gonna be anything fancy but I want to impress him.
Wait,wait no i don't .Uhh feelings hopefully he doesn't ask about my past I don't know what will in say to him.
But not the time to think about that now let's shower,I already waxed yesterday soo no need to shave.
What are you looking at you never know who you're gonna run into😉Just kidding I am not
a whore we have Pugface for that role.

After I showered I did my makeup and got dressed.

After I showered I did my makeup and got dressed

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I looked good

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I looked good.I grabbed my phone and looked at the time and it said 7:20
I have time so I started to make some tiktoks

!!(So in this story is 2021 and they use normal technology and there is no COVID so yeah)!!!
After that it was 7:55 I walked out of my room and headed to the astronomy tower.
Once I was on top I saw him.Setting in a chair with a cigarette in hand .He looked up and saw me he just stared as I walked over and sat next to him then he said:
-You look good.
-Is the Mattheo Riddle complemented me?
I teased.He looked me and said:
-I will take my words back if you don't stop
-Do you want a cigarette?
-I wanna ask you something?
He said with a serious tone.I looked up and said
-Um okey.How is you're family how have you become so heartless?
I tensed up he noticed it and said:
-If you don't want to tell me don't.I will understand.
-No I will just need to think how to start.
-I just need you to be quiet and listen to the whole story.
-Okey I am listening.

-𝗜t all started when I was two years old.That's when my mom past away.When my mother died my father becaume evil he hates me because I look like her,he thinks I am weak.
He started torturing me.He used curses,hexes and even the muggle torture.With knifes was he's favourite I still have scars.
I was so scared not for me but for my brothers and sister.Yes I have siblings.
The oldest is Hayden,then me Y/n and then the twins Alex and Melody.I have a very strong bond with Hayden he tortured us more then the rest but mostly me.I was scared for them screw me I will die so that they can live happy.
When I was six I discovered my powers at first I was shocked because non of them had powers .I can teleport,i can't be hurt from the three unforgivable curses and I can block them ,and I can do wandless magic both light and dark.I can do magic with my hands and head.On the age of 12 my brother Hayden trained me to defend myself like the muggle way you know?I can fight with knifes,guns and all kinds of things.But the torture didn't stop oh no it became more.It was like an everyday routine.
Wake up get tortured and go to sleep.It stopped when I come here.
I was out of breath when I was done.He was shocked.
Theo's POV
Wow I mean.I feel guilty yeah I was tortured too but nothing like hers.She is strong.I feel bad she doesn't deserve it.She is a genuine soul.I see how she helps the first years when nobody is around or how she is fascinated with deferent creatures.I looked her up and she hasn't spill one single tear since she said this.
-I am very sorry for the way he treated you.I am .
It was true I am very sorry.But I don't want her to feel like a pity her
-Don't think I pity you.You are strong very strong and don't deserve it
-That's what my siblings said.
She said with a smile.God that smile.Her beauty is overpowering her.
-You know thanks for listening to me.You are the first one I talked about my past.Please don't tell anyone.
-of course I won't and no problem.
I was silence but a comfortable one.I just stared at her.How the moonlight reflects her face and body.I want to kiss her so bad but I am not going too it is too soon.I wanna give her time to trust me and me to trust her .
She notice I was staring and said
-Take a pic it will last longer.
She shivered and I took my jacked and put it around her and said:
-I will take a picture but I won't need it I can look at what is mine whenever I want.
She smiled and hided her face she blushed.I made her blush she is so adorable.
-You wish Mattheo.
-Call me Theo and i wont wish because it will happen.
The rest of the night we talked about everything he didn't tell me about he's past but that's okey I will give him space.Whenever he is ready.
It's funny really how yesterday we were ready to kill each other and today we talk like we have been friends since birth.My phone ringed it was Blaise.I forgot to tell you we have been getting along pretty well considering it is my first day we act like besties.I glanced at Theo and he raised an eyebrow and said:
-Why is Zabini calling you at half past eleven?
-I don't know let's find out .
I picked up and put it on speaker:
He literally screamed .
-Bitch shut the fuck up i am at the astronomy tower with Riddle.What can you possibly want from me at this hour ?
-Well I went into your room and saw you weren't there I got worried and called you.I wanted to gossip.
He said in a baby voice like what a child come on.
-Oh Blaisie I am sorry I will come right now and we can gossip.
I said with a baby voice Theo was holding his laugh
-Okey hurry I have some tea to spill about Pansy.
-No wayyy holy shit I am coming.See you in five.
I hunged up and me and Theo started laughing our asses of.Then he escorted me to my room where blaise is waiting for me .
-Goodnight sleep well .
He said whale kissing my cheek
-Yeah I had fun we should do this more often
He blushed and said
-Yeah definitely.

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